LatinYouTubePremium resources



Vocabulary list
parts of the body
Avoir to have
Vocabulary list illness


Vocabulary list


Fill the gaps



Adjectival agreement

Les Couleurs - multiple choice (educandy)
Les Couleurs - noughts and crosses (educandy)
Les Couleurs - matching (educandy)
Les Couleurs - memory game (educandy)


Colours Quizlet
Colours StudyStack

Les Couleurs - crossword (educandy)
Les Couleurs - word search (educandy)
Les Couleurs - hangman (educandy)
Les Couleurs - anagrams (educandy)
Word Jumble


SUBJECT PRONOUNS I, you, he, she...
ETRE to be
AVOIR to have
S'APPELER to be called
POSSESSIVES my, your, his...

Prepositions Quizlet
Prepositions StudyStack
être - Quizlet
être - Studystack
avoir - Quizlet
aller - Quizlet
faire - Quizlet





Vocabulary list

être to be
avoir to have
s'appeler to be called

Family members - multiple choice (educandy)
Family members - noughts and crosses (educandy)
Family members - crossword (educandy)
Family members - match-up (educandy)
Family members - memory (educandy)



Days of the week - wordsearch
Days of the week - Hangman
Days of the week - noughts and crosses
Days of the week - match up
Days of the week - memory game

Days Quizlet
Days StudyStack

Days of the week - anagrams
Days of the week - multiple choice
Days of the week - crossword


Vocabulary list

Drinks - match up
Drinks - memory game
Drinks - noughts and crosses
Fruits - noughts and crosses
Fruits - match up
Fruits - memory game
Vegetables - noughts and crosses
Vegetables - match up
Vegetables - memory game

Places to eat and food shops crossword
Fruits - multiple choice
Fruits - crossword
Fruits - Quizlet
Vegetables - Quizlet
Vegetables - multiple choice
Vegetables - crossword
Drinks - Quizlet
Drinks - multiple choice
Drinks - crossword

Food and drink role play practice


Adjectival agreement
Subject pronouns

Describing your eyes - Quizlet

Describing hair and eyes - Quizlet


Dans la classe vocabulary

Les Matières Memory game, matching and wordsearch
Matières crossword

Fill in the gaps
Find the categories


Food vocabulary list
Places in town vocabulary list

"Keeping clean" vocabulary list

Places in town Battleships
Clothes Matching game

Food and drink Type in the words
Hotels Multiple choice


1-10 Quizlet
1-10 StudyStack
11-20 Quizlet
11-20 StudyStack
1-10 Noughts and crosses
1-10 crosswords
1-10 match up
1-10 memory game
1-10 multiple choice

0-12 noughts and crosses (listening)
0-12 crosswords (listening)
0-12 match up (listening)
0-12 memory game (listening)
0-12 multiple choice (listening)


Quizlet - jobs in the house

Non-sporting hobbies Matching, concentration, wordsearch


Where ? Compass points and prepositions Matching and concentration game
Days, months and seasons Matching and concentration game
Quel temps fait-il? Matching and concentration game
Les Bagages
Matching game




Months Quizlet
Months StudyStack
Noughts and crosses
Match up
Memory game
Multiple Choice
Spell it

Noughts and crosses (listening)
Crosswords (listening)
Match up (listening)
Memory game (listening)
Multiple Choice (listening)


Quizlet - jobs ending in -ien
Studystack - jobs ending in -ien and -ienne
Studystack - jobs ending in -eur


Quizlet - telling the time

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