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French KS3 Resources




Cross-curricular lessons
Free-time / Hobbies / Sports

Family and animals
Daily routine
Personal description
Places in town and directions
Dictionary use
Comment t'appelles-tu?
House and Home
Holidays and countries

Studio 1
Studio 1 sentence builders
Studio 2 Rouge
Studio 2 Rouge sentence builders
Studio 3 Rouge sentence builders
Studio 3 Vert sentence builders


Free-time / Hobbies / Sports

Building sports sentences
(PDF 24 KB)

added 08.08.24

Free time activities in the past tense - archery writing activity (Studio 3 Rouge p14)
(PDF 449 KB)

added 29.08.21

Sports snakes - find the sentences (Studio 3 Rouge p34)
(PDF 363 KB)

added 29.08.21

Sports Playmobil sentences
(PNG 3 MB)

added 31.8.18

Playmobil sports matching
(PDF 566 KB)

added 31.8.18

On the internet unmix sentences - Studio 2 Rouge p14
(PDF 39 KB)

added 31.8.18

On the internet sentences with aller and faire - Studio 2 Rouge p14
(PDF 27 KB)

added 31.8.18

Lecture gapped translations - Studio 2 Rouge p12
(PDF 26 KB)

added 31.8.18

Lecture verbs - Studio 2 Rouge p12
(PDF 25 KB)

added 31.8.18

Les films translation grid - Studio 2 Rouge p10
(PDF 16 KB)

added 31.8.18

Les films sentence building - Studio 2 Rouge p10
(PDF 30 KB)

added 31.8.1

TV programmes gapfill - Studio 2 Rouge p8
(PDF 53 KB)

added 31.8.18

TV programmes PIN sentences - Studio 2 Rouge p8
(PDF 43 KB)

added 31.8.18

Sports translation activity (Studio 1 p54)
(PDF 49 KB)

added 25.6.17

Sports gap-fill text (Studio 1 p54)
(PDF 45 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps Trapdoor activity (Studio 1 p56)
(PDF 38 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps translation activity (Studio 1 p56)
(PDF 51 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps in the 3rd person writing activity (Studio 1 p57)
(PDF 41 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps verb table (Studio 1 p58)
(PDF 44 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps 3rd person gap fill (Studio 1 p58)
(PDF 46 KB)

added 25.6.17

Mon sportif préféré - translation activity (Studio 1 p53)
(PDF 28 KB)

added 23.1.17

Jouer + sports translation activity (Studio 1 p52)
(PDF 47 KB)

added 23.1.17

Mon ordinateur et mon portable (Studio 1 p51)
Follow me cards

(PDF 44 KB)

Translation activity
(PDF 45 KB)

added 17.1.17

Sports sentences using Wordle
(PDF 310 KB)

added 23.02.16

Sports and hobbies speaking frame
(PDF 40 KB)

added 15.4.14

Les loisirs et les vacances - Level 5a writing
(MS Word 35 KB)

Hobbies gap-fill
(MS Word 32 KB)

Les drapeaux de l'Euro 2008
(MS Word 32 KB)

Les pays de l'Euro 2008
(MS Word 70 KB)

Les équipes de l'Euro 2008
(MS Publisher 188 KB)

Les Sports - sentence builder
(PDF 59 KB)

Les Sports - French handwriting
(PDF 51 KB)

Sentence-building cards (Expo 2 Unit 2)
(MS Word 38 KB)

Sports (past tense)
(MS Word 38 KB)

Les Sports
(MS Word 32 KB)

Writing sentences about hobbies using opinions and reasons
(MS Word 57 KB)

Free time and hobbies - adapting core language
(MS Word 43 KB)

Sports reading (levels 3 and 4)
(PDF 9 KB)

Writing levels - a series of activities about sports, levels 1-4
(PDF 21 KB)

Sports - positive and negative statements
(PDF 41 KB)

Types of TV programme
(MS Word 592 KB)

Free-time / Hobbies / Sports starters



School day logic puzzle
(PDF 14 KB)

added 08.08.24

French school dinners Clues in squares puzzle (Studio 1 p37)
(PDF 111 KB)

added 17.1.17

French school dinner menu (Studio 1 p37)
(PDF 204 KB)

added 17.1.17

Timetables translation activity (Studio 1 p33)
(PDF 90 KB)

added 10.1.17

Timetables translation activity 2 (Studio 1 p33)
(PDF 46 KB)

added 10.1.17

School subjects gap-fill (Studio 1 p34)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 10.1.17

School subjects and opinions translation activity (Studio 1 module 2)
(PDF 242 KB)

added 27.11.16

School subjects and opinions translation activity 2 (Studio 1 module 2)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 27.11.16

School subjects and opinions translation dominoes (Studio 1 module 2)
(PDF 36 KB)

added 27.11.16

Reasons for liking or not liking school subjects translation activity (Studio 1 Module 2)
(PDF 58 KB)

added 27.11.16

Reasons for liking or not liking school subjects translation puzzle (Studio 1 Module 2)
(PDF 77 KB)

added 27.11.16

Dans mon sac sentence activity (Studio 1 Module 1)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 23.02.16

Dans mon sac sentences (Studio 1 Module 1)
(PDF 195 KB)

added 23.02.16

Les matières
(MS Word 2.1MB)

Times of lessons
(MS Word 28 KB)

Vocabulary learning sheet
(MS Word 28 KB)

Au collège questions and answers - Level 5
(MS Word 26 KB)

Equipment and colours
(PDF 374 KB)

Classroom instructions
(PDF 236 KB)

Rooms in a school and prepositions
(PDF 151 KB)

Opinions about school subjects
(MS Word 140 KB)

Au collège - les options
(MS Word 24 KB)

Au collège - les options
(MS Word 334 KB)

Au collège - match the subjects
(MS Word 29 KB)

Dans mon sac, j'ai...
(MS Publisher 2.4 MB)

and the PowerPoint to go with it
(MS PowerPoint 340 KB)

Plurals - of pencil-case items. Designed for SEN
(MS Word 53 KB)

As-tu ? - Pair exercise using things in the pencil case
(MS Publisher 1.6 MB)

Dans ma trousse vocabulary learning sheet
(MS Word 30 KB) - Gender, number and adjectival agreement practise.
(MS Word 167 KB)

Classroom instructions
(MS Word 52 KB)

School starters

School PowerPoints



Les vêtements
(MS Word 92 KB)

Introduction to clothes
(MS Word 35 KB)

Clothes vocabulary learning grid
(MS Word 37 KB)

Describing clothes - grid to fill in
(MS Word 50 KB)

Clothes starters



The Wall - food
(MS PowerPoint 64 KB)
added 08.08.24

Food and the partitive article: find the errors
(MS PowerPoint 294 KB)

added 08.08.24

Café vocabulary crossword - Studio 1 p95
(PDF 331 KB)

added 13.4.18

J'ai faim, j'ai soif - translation match - Studio 1 p94
(PDF 66 KB)

added 13.4.18

PDFs from Task Magic:
Fruit 1 in 3

(PDF 118 KB)

Fruit dominoes
(PDF 118 KB)

Fruit match
(PDF 118 KB)

Fruit pairs (large)
(PDF 120 KB)

Fruit pairs (small)
(PDF 117 KB)

Fruit snake
(PDF 120 KB)

Fruit snake (solution)
(PDF 124 KB)

Fruit write
(PDF 118 KB)

Les parfums de glace
(MS Word 100 KB)

Tu veux une glace ?
(MS Word 28 KB)

Quantities and food
(MS Word 212 KB)

Marché U - qu'est-ce que j'ai acheté?
(MS Word 82 KB)

Le déjeuner
(MS Word 64 KB)

Food adjectives
(MS Word 25 KB)

Food PowerPoints



5-in-a-row weather
(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 02.08.16

Weather report
(MS Word 88 KB)

Weather symbols
(JPG 728 KB)

Weather battleships
(MS Word 37 KB)



Numbers information sheet
(MS Word 46 KB)

added 13.8.15

Combien d'Euros ?
(PDF 894 KB)

Colour by numbers
(MS Word 49 KB)

Ordinal numbers logic puzzle
(MS Word 124 KB)

Numbers 0-50
(MS Word 31 KB)

Numbers sheet to fill in
(MS Word 24 KB)

Careful counting and colouring - good for SEN
(MS Word 38 KB)

Numbers 1-10 - Colour the right number of boxes then play Battleships
(MS Word 6 KB)

Numbers starters


Family and animals

Family name and age - find the sentences
(PDF 54 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets - archery writing activity
(PDF 447 KB)

added 29.08.21

Animals - reconstitute text - Studio 1 p110
(PDF 128 KB)

added 13.4.18

Animals writing frame activity - Studio 1 p110
(PDF 44 KB)

added 13.4.18

Family translation activity
(MS Word 23 KB)

added 23.02.16

Siblings sentences
(PDF 249 KB)

added 23.02.16

Siblings sentences (more advanced)
(PDF 368 KB)

added 23.02.16

Practising family words
(MS Word 144 KB)

added 15.4.14

Level 4a reading
(MS Word 31 KB)

Match the family words
(MS Word 33 KB)

Describing animals with colour - suitable for SEN or primary
(MS Word 69 KB)

(PDF 205 KB)

Families - relationships gap-fill
(MS Word 66 KB)

Family and animals PowerPoints


Daily routine

Daily routine Trapdoor activity (Studio 1 p92)
(PDF 22 KB)

added 20.3.18

Reflexive verb drills (Studio 1 p92)
(PDF 27 KB)

added 20.3.18

From Task Magic:
Ma routine:

10 tiles
(PDF 45 KB)

(PDF 46 KB)

Gap fill
(PDF 46 KB)

Match up
(PDF 70 KB)

Fill in the vowels
(PDF 52 KB)

Pairs cards
(PDF 48 KB)

(PDF 45 KB)

Rewrite the text with spaces
(PDF 44 KB)

Vocab initials
(PDF 74 KB)

Access the original text and vocabulary, plus 60 activities here
added 12.5.14

Que fais-tu le matin?
(MS Word 516 KB)

added 25.4.14

Daily routine starter activity
(MS Word 28 KB)

Daily routine Starters

Daily routine PowerPoints


Personal description

Hair and eyes mini dictionary
(PDF 58 KB)

added 08.08.24

Describing personality sentence activity
(PDF 53 KB)

added 23.02.16

Physical description sentence activity
(PDF 49 KB)

added 23.02.16

Personal description dominoes
(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 13.8.15

Personal Identification translation activity
(MS Word 23 KB)

added 14.7.14

Level 3 Writing - Moi
(MS Word 30 KB)

Détails personnels
(MS Word 32 KB)

Describing people writing frame
(MS Word 29 KB)

Shrek gap-fill - personal information and physical description
(MS Publisher 291 KB)

Personal description PowerPoints


Places in town and directions

'On peut' text order activity (Studio 1 p78)
(PDF 67 KB)

added 18.9.17

Pouvoir writing frame activity (Studio 1 p78)
(PDF 38 KB)

added 18.9.17

Vouloir translation activity (Studio 1 p76)
(PDF 68 KB)

added 18.9.17

Vouloir translation activity II (Studio 1 p78)
(PDF 57 KB)

added 18.9.17

Places in town crossword (Studio 1 p70)
(PDF 95 KB)

added 25.6.17

Là où j'habite Trapdoor activity (Studio 1 p70)
(PDF 39 KB)

added 25.6.17

Ma ville translation activity (Studio 1 p70)
(PDF 55 KB)

added 25.6.17

Directions reading activity (Studio 1 p72)
(PDF 85 KB)

added 25.6.17

Directions writing and translation activity (Studio 1 p72)
(PDF 95 KB)

added 25.6.17

Aller / 'to the' text order activity (Studio 1 p74)
(PDF 63 KB)

added 25.6.17

Aller / 'to the' translation activity (Studio 1 p74)
(PDF 35 KB)

added 25.6.17

Ma ville
(MS Word 451 KB)

added 25.4.14

Practising directions with Google Maps
(PDF 517 KB)

added 15.4.14

PDFs from Task Magic:
Directions dominoes

(PDF 64 KB)

Directions match
(PDF 64 KB)

Directions multiple choice
(PDF 64 KB)

Directions pairs (big)
(PDF 66 KB)

Directions pairs (small)
(PDF 64 KB)

Directions snake
(PDF 66 KB)

Directions snake (solution)
(PDF 73 KB)

Directions write
(PDF 64 KB

En ville
(MS Word 822 KB)

Directions glossary
(MS Word 38 KB)

Saying where people go and how they get there
(MS Word 27 KB)

Directions - mini-maps to put places on and write directions
(MS Publisher 818 KB)

Places in town starters

Places in town and directions PowerPoints


Dictionary use

Using the dictionary
(MS Word 51 KB)


Comment t'appelles-tu ?

Alphabet and spelling names - Pair exercise in 2 parts
Part 1     Part 2
(MS Publisher 154 KB each)

Comment t'appelles-tu ? - practise French handwriting
(PDF 8 KB)



Aux magasins matching
(PDF 8 KB)

Shopping questions
(PDF 55 KB)

Combien d'Euros ?
(PDF 894 KB)

Role play introduction (shopping)
(PDF 55 KB)



5 en ligne - telling the time
(PDF 2.6 MB)

added 20.4.18

Telling the time information sheet
(PDF 308 KB)

added 24.03.15

Time Quiz Quiz Trade
(PDF 45 KB)

added 20.1.15

Time triangle puzzle(digital time)
(PDF 22 KB)

(PDF 23 KB)

(PDF 21 KB)

added 20.1.15

PDFs from Task Magic:
Time dominoes

(PDF 64 KB)

Time match
(PDF 64 KB)

Time multimatch
(PDF 64 KB)

Time pairs (large)
(PDF 66 KB)

Time pairs (small)
(PDF 64 KB)

Time snake
(PDF 59 KB)

Time snake (solution)
(PDF 67 KB)

Time write
(PDF 64 KB)

Time help sheet
(MS Word 34 KB)


House and Home

PDFs from Task Magic:
Chores dominoes

(PDF 170 KB)

Chores match
(PDF 170 KB)

Chores multiple choice
(PDF 170 KB)

Chores pairs
(PDF 169 KB)

Chores pairs (big)
(PDF 170 KB)

Chores snake
(PDF 172 KB)

Chores snake (solution)
(PDF 178 KB)

Chores write
(PDF 170 KB)

Dans ma chambre
(MS Word 33 KB)

Dans ma chambre (2)
(MS Word 37 KB)



Y8 reading revision (Encore Tricolore 2 units 1-3)
(MS Word 45 KB)

Y7 revision of present and futur proche
(MS Word 41 KB)

Y7 revision (Encore Tricolore 1 units 1-3)
(MS Word 94 KB)

Y9 level 7 training essays
(MS Word 31 KB)

Revision carousel
(MS Word 48 KB)

Cherche l'intrus - Y7 revision
(MS Word 39 KB)

Year 7 revision sheet
(MS Word 62 KB)

Year 7 revision sheet (II)
(MS Word 68 KB)


Holidays and countries

Holiday sentences translation activity (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 17 KB)

added 20.3.18

Holiday sentences (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 30 KB)

added 20.3.18

Countries match-up (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 18.9.17


Playmobil saying what you have and don't have
(PNG 1.5 MB)

added 31.8.18

Playmobil opinions sentences
(PNG 1.75 MB)

added 31.8.18

Photo grid 1 - to stimulate speaking and writing
(PDF 6.5 MB)

added 27.1.18

Photo grid 2 - to stimulate speaking and writing (additional support)
(PDF 2.8 MB)

added 27.1.18

Marie Marvingt mind map
(PDF 99 KB)

Marie Marvingt multiple choice activity
(PDF 54 KB)

added 2.6.17

Likes and dislikes sentence activity
(PDF 42 KB)

added 23.02.16

Avoir and age
(PDF 119 KB)

added 23.02.16

Déjeuner du matin triangle puzzle
(PDF 24 KB)

(PDF 23 KB)

added 03.11.15

Days, months and dates information sheet
(MS Word 28 KB)

added 20.1.15

Classroom phrases matching
(MS PowerPoint 304 KB)

added 28.4.14

Mon argent de poche
(MS Word 164 KB)

added 25.4.14

High frequency words to fill in
(MS Word 18 KB)

added 15.4.14

High frequency words filled in
(MS Word 21 KB)

added 15.4.14

TV speaking mat
(PDF 31 KB)

added 15.4.14

Les fêtes en France
(MS Word 1 MB)

added 15.4.14

PDFs from Task Magic:
Halloween 1 in 3

(PDF 8 KB)

Halloween 8 tiles
(PDF 7 KB)

Halloween 15 tiles
(PDF 7 KB)

Halloween 24 tiles
(PDF 8 KB)

Halloween anagrams
(PDF 7 KB)

Halloween context gaps
(PDF 7 KB)

Halloween find the French
(PDF 9 KB)

Halloween gap fill
(PDF 8 KB)

Halloween long gaps
(PDF 6 KB)

Halloween spaces
(PDF 7 KB)

Halloween verb gaps
(PDF 7 KB)

PDFs from Task Magic:
Halloween pictures dominoes

(PDF 170 KB)

Halloween pictures match
(PDF 169 KB)

Halloween pictures multiple choice
(PDF 169 KB
Halloween pictures pairs (big)
(PDF 171 KB)

Halloween pictures pairs (medium)
(PDF 169 KB)

Halloween pictures pairs (small)
(PDF 168 KB)

Halloween pictures snake
(PDF 171 KB)

Halloween pictures snake (solution)
(PDF 175 KB)

Halloween pictures write
(PDF 168 KB)

"Ce rêve bleu" gapfill
(MS Word 25 KB)

"Ce rêve bleu" answers
(MS Word 25 KB)

Video link to "Ce rêve bleu"

Toy Story and the futur proche
(MS Word 33 KB)

part 2
(MS Word 40 KB)

Colours and numbers practice
(MS Word 105 KB)

Les vacances
(MS Word 31 KB)

Level 6a Reading and Writing
(MS Word 29 KB)


Cross-curricular lessons

These resources are for a cross-curricular French-Science lesson on The Tongue. They were written by and are faetured here by the kind permission of NE Regional Subject Advisers Liz Hodgkiss and Andrea Simpson.

Lesson plan
(PDF 61 KB)
Lesson Powerpoint
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)
(PDF 313 KB)
(PDF 460 KB)
(PDF 56 KB)
Food answer sheet
(PDF 468 KB)
Mark scheme
(PDF 68 KB)
Homework (less able)
(PDF 410 KB)
Homework (middle ability)
(PDF 408 KB)
Homework (higher ability)
(PDF 408 KB)

MP3 1 (34 KB)
MP3 2 (147 KB)
MP3 3 (41 KB)
MP3 4 (40 KB)
MP3 5 (38 KB)
MP3 6 (38 KB)
MP3 7 (141 KB)
MP3 8 (140 KB)
MP3 9 (49 KB)
MP3 10 (169 KB)
MP3 11 (68 KB)
MP3 12 (49 KB)
MP3 13 (54 KB)
MP3 14 (48 KB)
MP3 15 (233 KB)


Studio 1

Animals - reconstitute text - Studio 1 p110
(PDF 128 KB)

added 13.4.18

Animals writing frame activity - Studio 1 p110
(PDF 44 KB)

added 13.4.18

Mes rêves - sentence builder - Studio 1 p98
(PDF 727 KB)

added 13.4.18

Mes rêves - unmix the sentences - Studio 1 p98
(PDF 99 KB)

added 13.4.18

Future activities cloze text - Studio 1 p96
(PDF 46 KB)

added 13.4.18

Future activities writing frame activity - Studio 1 p96
(PDF 43 KB)

added 13.4.18

Café vocabulary crossword - Studio 1 p95
(PDF 331 KB)

added 13.4.18

J'ai faim, j'ai soif - translation match - Studio 1 p94
(PDF 66 KB)

added 13.4.18

Daily routine Trapdoor activity (Studio 1 p92)
(PDF 22 KB)

added 20.3.18

Reflexive verb drills (Studio 1 p92)
(PDF 27 KB)

added 20.3.18

Holiday sentences Venn reading activity (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 68 KB)

added 29.08.21

Holiday sentences translation activity (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 17 KB)

added 20.3.18

Holiday sentences (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 30 KB)

added 20.3.18

Countries match-up (Studio 1 p90)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 18.9.17

'On peut' text order activity (Studio 1 p78)
(PDF 67 KB)

added 18.9.17

Pouvoir writing frame activity (Studio 1 p78)
(PDF 38 KB)

added 18.9.17

Vouloir translation activity (Studio 1 p76)
(PDF 68 KB)

added 18.9.17

Vouloir translation activity II (Studio 1 p78)
(PDF 57 KB)

added 18.9.17

Places in town crossword (Studio 1 p70)
(PDF 95 KB)

added 25.6.17

Là où j'habite Trapdoor activity (Studio 1 p70)
(PDF 39 KB)

added 25.6.17

Ma ville translation activity (Studio 1 p70)
(PDF 55 KB)

added 25.6.17

Directions reading activity (Studio 1 p72)
(PDF 85 KB)

added 25.6.17

Directions writing and translation activity (Studio 1 p72)
(PDF 95 KB)

added 25.6.17

Aller / 'to the' text order activity (Studio 1 p74)
(PDF 63 KB)

added 25.6.17

Aller / 'to the' translation activity (Studio 1 p74)
(PDF 35 KB)

added 25.6.17

Sports translation activity (Studio 1 p54)
(PDF 49 KB)

added 25.6.17

Sports gap-fill text (Studio 1 p54)
(PDF 45 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps Trapdoor activity (Studio 1 p56)
(PDF 38 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps translation activity (Studio 1 p56)
(PDF 51 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps in the 3rd person writing activity (Studio 1 p57)
(PDF 41 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps verb table (Studio 1 p58)
(PDF 44 KB)

added 25.6.17

Passetemps 3rd person gap fill (Studio 1 p58)
(PDF 46 KB)

added 25.6.17

Mon sportif préféré - translation activity (Studio 1 p53)
(PDF 28 KB)

added 23.1.17

Jouer + sports translation activity (Studio 1 p52)
(PDF 47 KB)

added 23.1.17

Mon ordinateur et mon portable (Studio 1 p51)
Follow me cards

(PDF 44 KB)

Translation activity
(PDF 45 KB)

added 17.1.17

French school dinners Clues in squares puzzle (Studio 1 p37)
(PDF 111 KB)

added 17.1.17

French school dinner menu (Studio 1 p37)
(PDF 204 KB)

added 17.1.17

Timetables translation activity (Studio 1 p33)
(PDF 90 KB)

added 10.1.17

Timetables translation activity 2 (Studio 1 p33)
(PDF 46 KB)

added 10.1.17

School subjects gap-fill (Studio 1 p34)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 10.1.17

School subjects and opinions translation activity (Studio 1 module 2)
(PDF 242 KB)

added 27.11.16

School subjects and opinions translation activity 2 (Studio 1 module 2)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 27.11.16

School subjects and opinions translation dominoes (Studio 1 module 2)
(PDF 36 KB)

added 27.11.16

Reasons for liking or not liking school subjects translation activity (Studio 1 Module 2)
(PDF 58 KB)

added 27.11.16

Reasons for liking or not liking school subjects translation puzzle (Studio 1 Module 2)
(PDF 77 KB)

added 27.11.16

Dans mon sac sentence activity (Studio 1 Module 1)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 23.02.16

Dans mon sac sentences (Studio 1 Module 1)
(PDF 195 KB)

added 23.02.16


Studio 2 Rouge

Hier soir PIN sentences - Studio 2 Rouge p16
(PDF 21 KB)

added 31.8.18

On the internet unmix sentences - Studio 2 Rouge p14
(PDF 39 KB)

added 31.8.18

On the internet sentences with aller and faire - Studio 2 Rouge p14
(PDF 27 KB)

added 31.8.18

Lecture gapped translations - Studio 2 Rouge p12
(PDF 26 KB)

added 31.8.18

Lecture verbs - Studio 2 Rouge p12
(PDF 25 KB)

added 31.8.18

Les films translation grid - Studio 2 Rouge p10
(PDF 16 KB)

added 31.8.18

Les films sentence building - Studio 2 Rouge p10
(PDF 30 KB)

added 31.8.1

TV programmes gapfill - Studio 2 Rouge p8
(PDF 53 KB)

added 31.8.18

TV programmes PIN sentences - Studio 2 Rouge p8
(PDF 43 KB)

added 31.8.18


Studio 1 Sentence builders

pp8-9 sentence builder (tabular) Mon autoportrait
(PDF 35 KB)

pp8-9 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 36 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp10-11 sentence builder (tabular) Mon kit de survie
(PDF 33 KB)

pp10-11 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 34 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp12-13 sentence builder (tabular) Comment je me vois
(PDF 59 KB)

pp12-13 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 35 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp14-15 sentence builder (tabular) Et les autres ?
(PDF 52 KB)

pp14-15 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 41 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp16-17 sentence builder (tabular) Il est hypercool !
(PDF 44 KB)

pp16-17 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 42 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp28-29 sentence builder (tabular) Les matières
(PDF 46 KB)

pp28-29 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 45 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp30-31 sentence builder (tabular) C'est génial !
(PDF 51 KB)

pp30-31 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 53 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp32-33 sentence builder (tabular) J'ai cours !
(PDF 20 KB)

pp32-33 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 20 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp36-37 sentence builder (tabular) Miam miam !
(PDF 34 KB)

pp36-37 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 35 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp50-51 sentence builder (tabular) Mon ordi et mon portable
(PDF 31 KB)

pp50-51 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 30 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp52-53 sentence builder (tabular) Tu es sportif ?
(PDF 54 KB)

pp52-53 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp54-55 sentence builder (tabular) Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
(PDF 51 KB)

pp54-55 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 40 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp56-57 sentence builder (tabular) J'aime faire ça !
(PDF 42 KB)

pp56-57 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 42 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp58-59 sentence builder (tabular) Ils sont actifs !
(PDF 28 KB)

pp58-59 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 23 KB)

added 3.8.20

pp70-71 sentence builder (tabular) Là où j'habite
(PDF 54 KB)

pp70-71 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp72-73 sentence builder (tabular) Perdu dans le parc d'attractions
(PDF 61 KB)

pp72-73 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 62 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp74-75 sentence builder (tabular) Le weekend
(PDF 55 KB)

pp74-75 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 57 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp76-77 sentence builder (tabular) Coucou !
(PDF 31 KB)

pp76-77 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 31 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp78-79 sentence builder (tabular) Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire à...?
(PDF 43 KB)

pp78-79 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 44 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp90-91 sentence builder (tabular) Les vacances, mode d'emploi
(PDF 28 KB)

pp90-91 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 29 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp94-95 sentence builder (tabular) Au Café de la Plage
(PDF 40 KB)

pp94-95 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 37 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp96-97 sentence builder (tabular) Je vais aller en colo !
(PDF 28 KB)

pp96-97 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 29 KB)

added 14.8.20

pp98-99 sentence builder (tabular) Mes rêves
(PDF 51 KB)

pp98-99 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 56 KB)

added 14.8.20


Studio 2 Rouge Sentence Builders

pp8-9 sentence builder (tabular) La télé
(PDF 52 KB)

pp8-9 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp10-11 sentence builder (tabular) J'ai une passion pour le cinéma
(PDF 52 KB)

pp10-11 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp12-13 sentence builder (tabular) La lecture
(PDF 52 KB)

pp12-13 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 53 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp14-15 sentence builder (tabular) Qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es connecté ?
(PDF 52 KB)

pp14-15 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp16-17 sentence builder (tabular) Qu'est-ce que tu as fait hier soir ?
(PDF 44 KB)

pp16-17 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 48 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp28-29 sentence builder (tabular) Une semaine à Paris
(PDF 29 KB)

pp28-29 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 30 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp30-31 sentence builder (tabular) Mon album photos
(PDF 27 KB)

pp30-31 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 27 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp32-33 sentence builder (tabular) C'était comment, les catacombes ?
(PDF 50 KB)

pp32-33 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 51 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp34-35 sentence builder (tabular) 24 heures chrono !
(PDF 36 KB)

pp34-35 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 37 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp36-37 sentence builder (tabular) Qui a volé la Joconde ?
(PDF 56 KB)

pp36-37 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 56 KB)

added 21.8.20

pp48-49 sentence builder (tabular) Mon caractère
(PDF 50 KB)

pp48-49 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 51 KB)

added 24.08.20

pp50-51 sentence builder (tabular) On se dit tout
(PDF 64 KB)

pp 50-51 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 66 KB)

added 14.12.20

pp52-53 sentence builder (tabular) Quelle musique écoutes-tu ?
(PDF 50 KB)

pp52-53 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 51 KB)

added 14.12.20

pp54-55 sentence builder (tabular) Mon style
(PDF 27 KB)

pp54-55 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 28 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp56-57 sentence builder (tabular) De quoi es-tu fan ?
(PDF 60 KB)

pp56-57 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 60 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp68-69 sentence builder (tabular) Là où j'habite
(PDF 15 KB)

pp68-69 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 16 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp70-71 sentence builder (tabular) Dans mon appart'
(PDF 18 KB)

pp70-71 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 19 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp72-73 sentence builder (tabular) A table, tout le monde !
(PDF 38 KB)

pp72-73 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 39 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp74-75 sentence builder (tabular) Il faut faire des crêpes !
(PDF 30 KB)

pp74-75 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 31 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp76-77 sentence builder (tabular) On est allés au Carnaval !
(PDF 16 KB)

pp76-77 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 15 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp90-91 sentence builder (tabular) La France a du talent !
(PDF 28 KB)

pp90-91 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 29 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp92-93 sentence builder (tabular) Je dois gagner !
(PDF 27 KB)

pp92-93 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 28 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp94-95 sentence builder (tabular) Ne fais pas ça !
(PDF 28 KB)

pp94-95 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 29 KB)

added 01.02.22

pp96-97 sentence builder (tabular) C'est qui le meilleur ?
(PDF 35 KB)

pp96-97 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 36 KB
added 01.02.22


Studio 3 Rouge sentence builders

pp8-9 sentence builder (tabular) Planète Facebook
(PDF 32 KB)

pp8-9 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 32 KB)

added 24.08.20

pp10-11 sentence builder (tabular) Comment tu trouves...?
(PDF 34 KB)

pp10-11 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 34 KB)

added 24.08.20

pp12-13 sentence builder (tabular) Tu viens aussi ?
(PDF 47 KB)

pp12-13 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 29 KB)

added 24.08.20

pp14-15 sentence builder (tabular) Ça c'est bien passé ?
(PDF 69 KB)

pp14-15 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 59 KB)

added 24.08.20

pp16-17 sentence builder (tabular) Fou de musique !
(PDF 60 KB)

pp16-17 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 61 KB)

added 24.08.20

pp32-33 sentence builder (tabular) Touché !
(PDF 35 KB)

pp32-33 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 36 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp34-35 sentence builder (tabular) Le sport et le fitness
(PDF 36 KB)

pp34-35 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp36-37 sentence builder (tabular) Mes résolutions pour manger sain
(PDF 31 KB)

pp36-37 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 32 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp38-39 sentence builder (tabular) Je serai en forme !
(PDF 59 KB)

pp38-39 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 54 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp40-41 sentence builder (tabular) Es-tu en forme ?
(PDF 35 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp54-55 sentence builder (tabular) Es-tu fait pour ce métier ?
(PDF 55 KB)

pp54-55 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 56 KB)

added 01.09.22

pp56-57 sentence builder (tabular) Le monde est un village
(PDF 15 KB)

pp56-57 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 17 KB)

added 01.09.22

pp58-59 sentence builder (tabular) Quand j'étais plus jeune
(PDF 55 KB)

pp58-59 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 56 KB)

added 01.09.22

pp60-61 sentence builder (tabular) Ta vie sera comment ?
(PDF 56 KB)

pp60-61 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 58 KB)

added 01.09.22

pp76-77 sentence builder (tabular) Question de vacances
(PDF 28 KB)

pp76-77 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 29 KB)

added 01.09.22

pp78-79 sentence builder (tabular) J'adore les sensations fortes
(PDF 57 KB)

pp78-79 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 16 KB)

added 01.09.22

Studio 3 Vert sentence builders

pp8-9 sentence builder (tabular) Je suis comme ça !
(PDF 52 KB)

pp8-9 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 53 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp10-11 sentence builder (tabular) Planète Facebook
(PDF 31 KB)

pp10-11 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 31 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp12-13 sentence builder (tabular) Tu veux y aller ?
(PDF 33 KB)

pp12-13 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 34 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp14-15 sentence builder (tabular) Qu'est-ce que tu as fait samedi ?
(PDF 34 KB)

pp14-15 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 45 KB)

added 28.08.20

pp16-17 sentence builder (tabular) Fou de musique !
(PDF 42 KB)

pp16-17 sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 43 KB)

added 28.08.20

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