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French KS4 Resources





Les sports
(MS PowerPoint 2.9 MB)

Les sports (II) - extreme sports
(MS PowerPoint 749 KB)

added 28.4.14

Holiday activities
(MS PowerPoint 357 KB)

added 15.4.14

Holiday destinations practice
(MS PowerPoint 3.5 MB)

added 15.4.14

Embrasse, épouse ou évite?
(MS PowerPoint 234 KB)

added 15.4.14

Le futur - speaking questions
(MS PowerPoint 116 KB)

Podcasts for Edexcel GCSE Foundation Speaking
At home and abroad - model answers
(MP3 3.2 MB)

Education, training and employment - model answers
(MP3 3.55 MB)

Describing a party
(MS PowerPoint 52 KB)

Mon dernier anniversaire - using pictures to prompt speaking
(MS PowerPoint 547 KB)

Daily routine - building more complex sentences
(MS PowerPoint 125 KB)

Sport - a question of logic
(MS PowerPoint 44 KB)

Environmental problems
(MS PowerPoint 754 KB)

Hobbies coursework support
(MS PowerPoint 377 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 1.4 MB)

Body and illness
(MS PowerPoint 2.5 MB)

The Simpsons do Personal Identification
(MS PowerPoint 926 KB)

French-English glossary
(MS Word 121 KB)

English-French glossary
(MS Word 108 KB)

Find the French (using the above ppt)
(MS Word 46 KB)
The Simpsons additional characters
(MS PowerPoint 83 KB)

Family relationships starter
(MS Word 27 KB)

Julien et Morgane vont sortir
(PDF 391 KB)

Monsieur Tarbé - describe his antonym
(PDF 87 KB)
Monsieur Tarbé - the PowerPoint
(MS PowerPoint 263 KB)
Marine au collège
(MS PowerPoint 480 KB)

Camille et les sports - pair exercise
(MS Word 52 KB)
Marine est sportive
(MS PowerPoint 288 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 667 KB)

Aider à la maison
(MS PowerPoint 583 KB)

Core language Millionaire
(MS PowerPoint 380 KB)

GCSE Theme 1 Millionaire
(MS PowerPoint 379 KB)

GCSE Theme 2 Millionaire
(MS PowerPoint 376 KB)

GCSE Theme 3 Millionaire
(MS PowerPoint 380 KB)

GCSE Theme 4 Millionaire
(MS PowerPoint 377 KB)

Simpsons Millionaire
(MS PowerPoint 422 KB)

Problems at the hotel
(MS PowerPoint 333 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 285 KB)