LatinYouTubePremium resources





German skills icons
(zipped folder of 18 .png files 879 KB)

added 05.07.22

German skills poster
(PDF 458 KB)

added 08.07.22

Ukrainian and German basic language mat
(PDF 317 KB)

added 15.05.22

One minute timer
(MP4 1.2 MB)

added 22.4.21

30 second timer
(MP4 630 KB)

added 22.4.21

10 second timer
(MP4 281 KB)

added 22.4.21

Covid-19 posters:

(PDF 243 KB)

Guten Tag
(PDF 243 KB)

Bitte Maske tragen
(PDF 230 KB)

Bitte Hände waschen
(PDF 356 KB)

Oberflächen desinfizieren
(PDF 218 KB)

Bitte Abstand halten
(PDF 174 KB)

added 7.3.21

ALT codes for special characters
(PDF 52 KB)

added 26.1.21

Language Links posters

Days of the week
(PDF 2.6 MB)

added 29.10.16

Months poster
(PDF 87 KB)

added 29.10.16

Blank bunting
(PDF 482 KB)

added 21.10.16

Colours bunting
(PDF 160 KB)

added 21.10.16

Numbers 1-20 bunting
(PDF 242 KB)

added 21.10.16

Colouring bookmarks 1
(PDF 392 KB)

Colouring bookmarks 2
(PDF 399 KB)

Colouring bookmarks 3
(PDF 423 KB)

Colouring bookmarks 4
(PDF 4.4 MB)

added 28.4.15

German alphabet
(PDF 2.3 MB)

added 14.7.14

Expressions of time
(MS Word 41 KB)

added 25.4.14)

Learning mat for beginners
(MS PowerPoint 68 KB)

added 25.4.14

Pupil's individual learning mat (front)
(MS Word 171 KB)

PowerPoint countdown clock