LatinYouTubePremium resources




Covid-19 posters

(PDF 261 KB)

Good morning
(PDF 264 KB)

Wear a mask
(PDF 267 KB)

Wash your hands
(PDF 396 KB)

Keep your distance
(PDF 211 KB)

Use hand sanitiser
(PDF 242 KB)

Disinfect the surfaces
(PDF 255 KB)

added 7.3.21

What does learning a language say about me?
(PNG 2.6 MB)

What does learning a language say about me?
(PDF 856 KB)

added 28.9.20

Supporting choral speaking in the Covid classroom
(MS PowerPoint 603 KB)

(More info here)
added 28.9.20

Language Links posters

Baroness Coussins language quote
(PDF 1 MB)

added 7.7.20

Eddie Izzard language quote
(PDF 2.8 MB)

added 5.7.17

John le Carré language quote 1
(PDF 2.8 MB)

added 5.7.17

John le Carré language quote 2
(PDF 2.8 MB)

added 5.7.17

New KS3 Programme of Study at a glance
(MS Word 23 KB)

Famous people language quotes
(MS PowerPoint 230 KB)

Language Facts
(MS PowerPoint 212 KB)

National Curriculum Pupil-speak Level Descriptors:
(MS Word 28 KB)

(MS Word 30 KB)

(MS Word 29 KB)

(MS Word 29 KB)

National Curriculum level rockets
(MS Word 167 KB)

Print the rockets (2 per page), and laminate. Cut them out and attached them to a peg, so that they are moveable. Four lengths of washing line are then attached to the wall. The rockets go upwards towards a planet with the word either "listening", "speaking", "reading" or "writing".
Individual Progress Sheet
(MS Word 67 KB)

Colour in one of the circles when the pupil shows evidence of this level

Talk to the world - why study languages ?
(MS Word 28 KB)

Family tree - picture file to use as an OHT
(MS Word 220 KB)

Traffic lights PowerPoint - you never know when it might be useful !
(MS PowerPoint 57 KB)

Typing accents
(MS Word 40 KB)

PowerPoint countdown clock (link)

25 minute countdown clock
(MS PowerPoint 76 KB)