LatinYouTubePremium resources



presento a mi familia


Saying hello and saying how you feel (YouTube)

Saying your name and asking others their name (YouTube)

Saying goodbye


Greetings retrieval listening
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

(PDF 168 KB)

added 13.12.19

Practising greetings with ClassPOPs
(MS PowerPoint 209 KB)

Find out about ClassPOPs here
added 03.11.15

Latin greetings
(MS PowerPoint 299 KB)

Latin boys' and girls' names
(MS PowerPoint 277 KB)

¿Cómo te llamas?
(MS PowerPoint 457 KB)

Spanish names
(MS PowerPoint 378 KB)


Greetings and feelings: Listen, Read, Write
(PDF 129 KB)

added 27.11.22

Boys' names and girls' names
(PDF 102 KB)

added 01.09.22

Greetings and saying your name sentence builder
(PDF 203 KB)

added 01.10.21

Greetings and saying your name- retrieval activities
(PDF 33 KB)

added 01.10.21

Greetings and saying your name - vocabulary builder
(PDF 86 KB)

Greetings and saying your name - vocabulary builder (lower ability)
(PDF 119 KB)

added 01.10.21
Greetings and saying your name - vocabulary builder (lower ability #2)
(PDF 129 KB)

added 25.01.22

Dialogues sheet
(PDF 193 KB)

added 19.10.20

Greetings minibook
(PDF 510 KB)

added 3.7.20

Saying how you feel minibook
(PDF 510 KB)

added 3.7.20

Feelings sample dialogues
(PDF 40 KB)

added 23.8.15

Saying how you feel -Conversation cards
(MS Word 200 KB)

added 28.4.15

¿ Qué tal ? cards - A5 size - just pictures
(PDF 20 KB)

¿ Qué tal ? tiny cards
(PDF 22 KB)

Correct the writing
(PDF 280 KB)

added 13.12.19

Sample dialogue for saying and spelling your name
(PDF 40 KB)

added 01.09.15

Greetings sample dialogues
(PDF 37 KB)

added 23.8.15

"What's your name?" cards
(MS Word 455 KB)

"What's your name?" cards II
(PDF 855 KB)

Me llamo
(PDF 750 KB)

(PDF 30 KB


Saying 6 members of the family and their names (YouTube)

Saying the age of brothers and sisters (YouTube)

Working out new family words (YouTube)

Saying 9 pets, their names and ages (YouTube)


Male and female family members A5
(PDF 159 KB)


1st and 3rd person names and ages
(MS PowerPoint 633 KB)

added 3.3.21

Practising siblings, cousins and friends
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 3.3.21

Family tree names and ages
(MS PowerPoint 2.5 MB)

added 3.3.21

Family reading activity
(MS PowerPoint 301 KB)

added 3.3.21

Listening to names and filling in the vowels
(MS PowerPoint 2.4 MB)

added 3.3.21

Practising family words
(MS PowerPoint 675 KB)

added 3.3.21

Introducing family words
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

added 3.3.21

Family name and age sentences
(MS PowerPoint 182 KB)

added 14.12.20

Mi familia imaginaria WAGOLLs
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

added 14.12 20

Coco's family
(MS PowerPoint 637 KB)

added 26.3.20

Spanish Royal family tree
(MS PowerPoint 208 KB)

added 26.3.20

Practising se llama and tiene...años
(MS PowerPoint 247 KB)

added 26.3.20

Introducing family and using se llama and tiene...años
(MS PowerPoint 203 KB)

added 26.3.20

Family tree
(MS PowerPoint 284 KB)

added 17.02.20

Family parallel text (2)
(MS PowerPoint 423 KB)

added 03.06.19

Family sentences pictograms
(MS PowerPoint 636 KB)

added 25.6.17

Family 100 points game
(MS PowerPoint 462 KB)

added 23.8.15

Family points game
(MS PowerPoint 345 KB)

added 23.8.15

Family Vocabulary
(MS PowerPoint 572 KB )

Brothers and sisters
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

Describing families
(MS PowerPoint 468 KB)

Latin family words
(MS PowerPoint 291 KB)

added 1.9.14


Family tangled translation
(PDF 169 KB)

added 01.09.22

Siblings and cousins + age sentence builder
(PDF 142 KB)

added 14.06.21

Mi familia sentence builder
(PDF 389 KB)

added 22.4.21

Family texts
(PDF 21 KB)

added 21.3.21

Hermanos y primos sentence builder
(PDF 76 KB)

added 3.3.21

Family minibook
(PDF 739 KB)

added 3.7.20

Concept map - Mi familia y yo
(PDF 277 KB)

added 18.6.20

Family odd one out
(PDF 143 KB)

added 18.6.20

Mis hermanos y mis amigos - sentence builder
(PDF 111 KB)

added 12.5.20

My imaginary family tree
(PDF 372 KB)

added 26.3.20

Family wordsearch
(PDF 303 KB)
added 26.3.20

Family phrases writing strip
(PDF 20 KB)

added 31.1.20

Correct the writing
(PDF 283 KB)

added 13.12.19

Family and pets writing mat
(PDF 24 KB)

added 08.11.19
Already filled in
(PDF 31 KB)

added 26.3.20

Family parallel text (2)
(PDF 61 KB)

added 03.06.19

Mi familia - sentences using pictograms
(PDF 465 KB)

added 2.6.17

Sentences with tener
(PDF 229 KB)

added 30.4.17

Family dialogue B
(PDF 42 KB)

added 06.05.16

Sample dialogue for family
(PDF 42 KB)

added 01.09.15

Mi familia wordsearch
(PDF 132 KB)

added 23.8.15

Brothers and sisters role play cards
(PDF 44 KB)

added 18.05.15

Las familias
(PDF 76 KB)

added 28.4.15

Las familias (lower ability)
(PDF 75 KB)

added 28.4.15

Family members and colours
(PDF 600 KB)

Discover family members - dual text
(PDF 301 KB)

cuanto dinero tienes

Counting euros and pesos
(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 08.08.24

Counting euros and pesos
(MS PowerPoint 283 KB)

added 08.08.24

Saying how much money you have - sentence builder
(PDF 72 KB)

added 08.08.24

parque de animales


Counting up to 39 (YouTube)

16-39 Kim's game (children predict one of the 3 options)
(MS PowerPoint 366 KB)

added 01.10.21

Animals plurals
(MS PowerPoint 870 KB)

added 3.3.21

16-39 Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

added 26.1.21

Counting 16-39
(MS PowerPoint 320 KB)

added 26.1.21

Formation of the numbers 16-19
(MS PowerPoint 240 KB)

added 26.1.21

Counting animals
(MS PowerPoint 486 KB)

added 26.1.21

Parque animals fade and write
(MS PowerPoint 367 KB)

added 14.12.20

Counting to 39 and Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

added 14.12.20

Counting to 39
(MS PowerPoint 248 KB)

added 14.12.20

Numbers to 39 grid
(MS PowerPoint 247 KB)

added 14.12.20

Numbers 1 to 39 - counting
(PDF 81 KB)

added 18.6.20

Numbers 1 to 39 - maths
(PDF 43 KB)

added 18.6.20

Numbers 16-31 worksheet
(PDF 974 KB)

Numbers 16-31 worksheet (2)
(PDF 1.4 MB)

Correct the writing - numbers 16-31
(PDF 272 KB)

added 13.12.19

Numbers 1-31 strips
(PDF 16 KB)

added 08.11.19

¿Cuántos hay? numbers 16 to 31
(MS PowerPoint 395 KB)

added 10.12.18

Latin numbers up to 30
(MS PowerPoint 247 KB)

16 to 31 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 802 KB)

Numbers 16-31 dominoes
(PDF 36 KB)

21-31 - A5 size - just numbers
(PDF 26 KB)

21-31 - tiny cards
(PDF 28 KB)

Numbers to 31 dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 48 KB)

added 21.9.14


Saying 10 wild animals (YouTube)

Saying more than one of something (YouTube)

Ways of making plurals in English
(MS PowerPoint 160 KB)

added 01.02.22

Animals in the animal park - Kim's game - children predict one of the 3 options
(MS PowerPoint 3.9 MB)

added 01.10.21

Numbers of animals in the park - missing vowels
(PDF 64 KB)

added 29.08.21

Animals grid
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

added 26.1.21

Blank animal park to fill (best enlarged to A3)
(PDF 434 KB)

added 19.10.20

En mi parque de animales - sentence builder
(PDF 293 KB)

added 28.9.20

List of animals in Parque Cabárceno
(PDF 32 KB)

added 28.9.20

En el parque de animales minibook
(PDF 2.8 MB)

added 3.7.20

Animal match up
(MS PowerPoint 746 KB)

added 18.6.20

Plurals of animal words
(MS PowerPoint 11.5 MB)

added 18.6.20

Animal match up
(PDF 1.3 MB)

added 18.6.20

Animal sort by gender
(PDF 864 KB)

added 18.6.20

Plurals of animal words - writing
(PDF 513 KB)

added 18.6.20

tienes hambre


Understanding definite and indefintie articles (YouTube)

Saying singular foods and drinks (YouTube)

Giving opinions of singular foods and drinks (YouTube)

Saying plural foods and drinks (YouTube)

Giving opinions of plural foods and drinks (YouTube)


Fruit and vegetables A5 with words
(PDF 9 MB)

added 03.06.19

Fruit - A4 size - pictures and words
(PDF 715 KB)

Fruit - mini-cards
(PDF 709 KB)

Fruit - A5 size - just pictures
(PDF 708 KB)

Food - A4 size - pictures and words
(PDF 1.3 MB)

Food - A5 size - just pictures
(PDF 1.25 MB)

Food - mini-cards
(PDF 1.26 MB)

Opinions - A5 size
(PDF 15 KB)

Games & Puzzles

5 in a row - Frutas y verduras
(PDF 779 KB)

added 23.8.15

Fruit and vegetables oval puzzle
(PDF 108 KB)

¡Zas! vegetables
(PDF 241 KB)

¡Zas! fruit
(PDF 312 KB)

¡Zas! template
(MS Publisher 60 KB)

La fruta - Quiz Quiz Trade cards
(MS Word 579 KB)

added 20.5.14


Opinions of singular foods - Trapdoor
(MS PowerPoint 210 KB)

added 08.08.23

Singular and plural opinions of food - Connections
(MS PowerPoint 380 KB)

added 08.08.23

Opinions of plural foods - 4 sentences
(MS PowerPoint 202 KB)

added 27.05.22

6 more plural foods
(MS PowerPoint 506 KB)

added 14.06.21

Me gusta or me gustan?
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 14.06.21

Plural foods - opinons, tengo hambre/sed
(MS PowerPoint 1.3 MB)

added 14.06.21

Introducing me gusta and no me gusta
(MS PowerPoint 3 MB)

added 3.3.21

15 foods with definite articles
(MS PowerPoint 710 KB)

15 foods in grid
(MS PowerPoint 676 KB)

added 3.3.21

Working out definite articles with food
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

added 3.3.21

Tiene hambre / sed
(MS PowerPoint 385 KB)

added 3.3.21

Sorting hungry and thirsty sentences
(MS PowerPoint 813 KB)

added 3.3.21

Hambre / sed asking questions
(MS PowerPoint 804 KB)

added 3.3.21

Practising 5 new foods
(MS PowerPoint 2.2 MB)

added 3.3.21

10 foods Kims game
(MS PowerPoint 1.4 MB)

added 3.3.21

Hambre and sed sort
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 26.1.21

Introducing 6 foods and drinks
(MS PowerPoint 595 KB)

added 26.1.21

Foods true or false reading activity
(MS PowerPoint 208 KB)

added 26.1.21

Quiero + foods
(MS PowerPoint 910 KB)

added 26.1.21

Quiero comer y beber secret sentences
(MS PowerPoint 498 KB)

added 26.1.21

4 foods and drinks
(MS PowerPoint 755 KB)

added 26.1.21

4 foods and drinks with comer and beber
(MS PowerPoint 369 KB)

added 26.1.21

Singular foods (9A)
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 18.6.20

Fruit and vegetables with words
(MS PowerPoint 811 KB)

added 03.06.19

Vegetables practice with numbers
(MS PowerPoint 470 KB)

added 28.4.15

Vegetables - repetition activities
(MS PowerPoint 240 KB)

added 28.4.15

Fruits - repetition activities
(MS PowerPoint 238 KB)

added 28.4.15

Opinions of food
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

Opinions of fruit
(MS PowerPoint 574 KB)

Fruit and vegetables Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 1.12 MB)

Vegetables Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 668 KB)

Fruit Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 837 KB)

Practise fruit
(MS PowerPoint 829 KB)

Practise vegetables
(MS PowerPoint 1.89 MB)

Sandwiches and ice-creams
(MS PowerPoint 157 KB)

La fruta
(MS PowerPoint 613 KB)

Accompanying Notebook file
(zipped file 347 KB)

added 20.5.14

Food and opinions Trapdoor
(PDF 17 KB)

added 1.9.14


Singular food list for Piranha game
(PDF 222 KB)

added 08.08.24

Singular foods bingo checkgrid
(PDF 27 KB)

Plural foods bingo checkgrid
(PDF 26 KB)

added 30.10.23

Translate the opinions of fruits
(PDF 33 KB)

added 19.08.23

Opinions of fruits - fill in the missing vowels (2)
(PDF 50 KB)

added 19.08.23

Opinions of fruits - simple translations
(PDF 51 KB)

added 19.08.23

Opinions of fruits - fill in the missing vowels
(PDF 50 KB)

added 19.08.23

Opinions of fruits Rally Table
(PDF 899 KB)

added 19.08.23

Singular and plural opinions - dictation
(PDF 49 KB)

added 08.08.23

Flippity randomiser - opinions of singular foods (English > Spanish)
added 27.05.22

Food and opinions battleships
(PDF 30 KB)

added 01.02.22

Opinions and food - find the sentences
(PDF 65 KB)

added 29.08.21

Food and drink - busy bee writing activity
(PDF 217 KB)

added 29.08.21

Food and drink sentences - dartboard activity
(PDF 184 KB)

added 14.06.12

Food puzzles
(PDF 467 KB)

added 14.06.21

Minimal pairs listening - opinions
(PDF 84 KB)

added 22.4.21

Plural food opinions sentence builder
(PDF 121 KB)

added 22.4.21

Me gusta or me gustan?
(PDF 13 KB)

added 21.3.21

Singular opinions translations
(PDF 15 KB)

added 21.3.21

Me gusta sentences unmix
(PDF 14 KB)

added 21.3.21

Plural opinions texts
(PDF 20 KB)

added 21.3.21
Questions to go with the texts
(PDF 20 KB)

added 10.05.21

Singular opinions texts
(PDF 19 KB)

Questions about the texts
(PDF 15 KB)

added 21.3.21

Singular opinions x4 sentence builder
(PDF 106 KB)

added 21.3.21

Me gusta / no me gusta with singular foods - sentence builder
(PDF 105 KB)

added 3.3.21

Tiene hambre / sed sentence builder
(PDF 196 KB)

added 3.3.21

Saying you're hungry and thirsty PIN grid
(PDF 22 KB)

added 3.3.21

Tengo hambre / Tengo sed sentence builder (1st person only)
(PDF 130 KB)

added 26.1.21

¿Tienes hambre? poem
(PNG 379 KB)

¿Tienes hambre? poem
(PDF 474 KB)

added 26.1.21

Quiero comer y beber sentence builder
(PDF 129 KB)

added 26.1.21

Opinions of foods minibook
(PDF 793 KB)

added 3.7.20

Food and opinions odd one out
(PDF 145 KB)

added 3.7.20

Pair speaking activity - opinions of singular food
(PDF 1.2 MB)

added 23.6.20

Gender sort (singular foods)
(PDF 120 KB)

added 23.6.20

¿Tienes hambre? sample dialogue
(PDF 63 KB)

added 18.6.20

Tengo hambre / Tengo sed sentence builder
(PDF 60 KB)

added 18.6.20

Tengo hambre / Tengo sed sentence builder (table)
(PDF 231 KB)

added 23.6.20

Food and opinions - sentence builder
(PDF 68 KB)

added 12.5.20

Opinions of fruits and vegetables writing frame
(PDF 649 KB)

added 03.06.19

Food and opinions translation activity
(PDF 37 KB)

added 9.6.18

Fruit and vegetable spelling cards
(PDF 862 KB)

added 2.6.17

La Comida - monolingual dictionary
(PDF 4.8 KB)

added 05.07.17

Food sample dialogues
(PDF 41 KB)

added 23.8.15

Food and opinions writing frame
(PDF 25 KB)

added 23.6.14

Más comida
(PDF 33 KB)

Opinions of food cut and stick
(PDF 206 KB)

Me gusta cards
(PDF 9 KB)

Food writing sheet
(PDF 535 KB)

Spanish menu
(PDF 471 KB)