LatinYouTubePremium resources



Legacy Scheme
(zipped file 1.47 MB)

*NEW* June 2020
The previous scheme of work (2009-2019) is referred to as the Legacy Scheme

(PDF 44 KB)

Roadmap of the scheme of work
(PDF 56 KB)

added 29.08.21

Unit 1 - ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
Unit 1A
(PDF 33 KB)

Unit 1B
(PDF 32 KB)

Unit 2 - Vamos a contar
Unit 2A

(PDF 33 KB)

Unit 2B
(PDF 33 KB)

Unit 3 - Los colores
(PDF 35 KB)

Unit 4 - En mi estuche
(PDF 36 KB)

Unit 5 - Mi familia y yo
Unit 5A

(PDF 49 KB)

Unit 5B
(PDF 47 KB)

Unit 6 - Mi bandera
(PDF 46 KB)

Unit 7 - En el parque de animales
Unit 7A

(PDF 44 KB)

Unit 7B
(PDF 53 KB)

Unit 8 - ¿A qué fecha estamos?
Unit 8A
(PDF 53 KB)

Unit 8B
(PDF 53 KB)

Unit 9 - ¿Tienes hambre?
Unit 9A

(PDF 45 KB)

Unit 9B
(PDF 39 KB)

Unit 10 - ¿Qué tiempo hace?
(PDF 44 KB)

Unit 11 - Números grandes
(PDF 48 KB)

Unit 12 - Los planetas
(PDF 58 KB)

Unit 13 - ¡Describimos!
Unit 13A

(PDF 38 KB)

Unit 13B
(PDF 53 KB)

Unit 13C
(PDF 47 KB)

Unit 14 - Me encantan los deportes
(PDF 42 KB)

Unit 15 - ¿Qué hora es?
(PDF 36 KB)

Unit 16 - En mi pueblo
Unit 16A

(PDF 37 KB)

Unit 16B
(PDF 37 KB)

Unit 16C
(PDF 37 KB)

Unit 17 - Así soy yo
(PDF 48 KB)

Unit 18 - Yo soy músico
Unit 18A

(PDF 35 KB)

Unit 18B
(PDF 36 KB)


"I can" cards
Unit 1
(PDF 43 KB)

Unit 2
(PDF 20 KB)

Unit 3
(PDF 23 KB)

Unit 4
(PDF 101 KB)

Unit 5
(PDF 89 KB)

Unit 6
(PDF 27 KB)

Unit 7
(PDF 211 KB)

Unit 8
(PDF 96 KB)

Unit 9
(PDF 91 KB)

Unit 10
(PDF 116 KB)

Unit 11
(PDF 36 KB)

Unit 12
(PDF 130 KB)

Unit 13
(PDF 73 KB)

Unit 14
(PDF 50 KB)

Unit 15
(PDF 62 KB)

Unit 16
(PDF 26 KB)

Unit 17
(PDF 54 KB)

Unit 18
(PDF 45 KB)

added 3.7.20


Numbers 1-3 (EYFS)
(MS PowerPoint 103 KB)

added 22.11.24

¡Toc toc toc! story (EYFS)
(MS PowerPoint 5 MB)

added 22.11.24

4 animals and 4 colours car park (EYFS)
(PDF 753 KB)

added 22.11.24
How to use this activity

Hola, soy... story
(MS PowerPoint 6.6 MB)

added 22.11.24

Soy / soy de writing (Year 1)
(PDF 124 KB)

Soy / soy de writing (Year 2)
(PDF 356 KB)

added 22.11.24

Flags: colours suitcase listening (transcript)
(MS Word 19 KB)

Flags: colours suitcase listening (3 suitcases)
(MS PowerPoint 546 KB)

Flags: colours suitcase listening (4 suitcases)
(MS PowerPoint 553 KB)

added 22.11.24

Parts of a plant
(MS PowerPoint 214 KB)
Parts of a plant, colours and numbers

(PDF 551 KB)

added 08.08.24

Saying hola and adiós to the pirates
(MS PowerPoint 4.4 KB)
¿Cómo estás?
(MS PowerPoint 204 KB)
Random number generator 1 to 6 - start and stop with S
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)
Parrots flypast 1 to 6
(MS PowerPoint 542 KB)
Numbers 1 to 6 maths
(PDF 59 KB)
Numbers 1 to 6 counting
(PDF 876 KB)

Pirates Listening chests 1 to 6 (3 chests) more info here
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 MB)
Pirates Listening chests 1 to 6 (4 chests)
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 MB)

Me llamo writing (Year 2)
(PDF 360 KB)

Me llamo writing (Year 1)
(PDF 620 KB)

Listening chests 6 colours (3 chests)
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)

Listening chests 6 colours (4 chests)
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)

Listening chests cards - more info here
(PDF 947 KB)
added 30.10.23
Saying your name display
(PDF 458 KB)
Treasure chest numbers 1 to 6
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

Treasure chest numbers 1 to 10
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

Treasure chest number cards 1 to 10
(PDF 372 KB)

Coins and parrots counting cards
(PDF 5 MB)

Colours mat
(PDF 1.3 MB)

Parrot colours fly past
(MS PowerPoint 5.3 MB)

Parrot colours random selector - start and stop with S
(MS PowerPoint 4.4 MB)

Parrot colouring (6 colours)
(PDF 583 KB)

Parrot colouring (12 colours)
(PDF 721 KB)

Hat feather colours (6 colours)
(MS PowerPoint 4.3 MB)

Hat feather colours (10 colours)
(MS PowerPoint 10.2 MB)

Feather colouring (6 colours)
(PDF 607 KB)

Feather colouring (12 colours)
(PDF 366 KB)

added 19.08.23
Numbers to 10 and colours practice
(MS PowerPoint 44 KB)

Jumping spiders (11 colours practice)
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

Pirates colour mixing 5 colours
(MS PowerPoint 1.7 MB)

Counting minibeasts and colours
(MS PowerPoint 4.1 MB)

Numbers 1 to 6 and 6 colours practice
(MS PowerPoint 439 KB)

5 new colours
(MS PowerPoint 97 KB)

Parrots numbers 1 to 6
(MS PowerPoint 2.5 MB)

Minibeasts, numbers and colours - draw
(PDF 162 KB)

Pirates 5 colours practice
(PDF 605 KB)

Pirates, colours and numbers
(PDF 2.3 MB)

Pirates counting chests (1 to 6)
(PDF 430 KB)

Pirates treasure chests numbers 1 to 6
(PDF 370 KB)

Spanish-speaking countries flags to colour
(PDF 312 KB)

added 17.02.24

Look at the animal and say the colour
(MS PowerPoint 949 KB)

added 08.08.24

Year 1 scheme of work
(MS Word 55 KB)

Practise greetings with actions
(MS PowerPoint 300 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 draw the numbers in the ten frames
(PDF 29 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 count the numbers in the ten frames
(PDF 35 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 circle the numbers
(PDF 890 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 count the circles
(PDF 901 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 how many are left?
(PDF 48 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 multiple choice
(PDF 29 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 one more one less
(MS PowerPoint 451 KB)

added 02.02.23

Hola playa
(MS PowerPoint 4 MB)

added 01.09.22

Fruits writing
(PDF 566 KB)

added 27.05.22

Listen to the colours and do the right action
(MS PowerPoint 792 KB)

added 01.02.22

Listen to the colours and touch the right thing
(MS PowerPoint 306 KB)

added 01.02.22

Colours song - score
(PDF 56 KB)
Performance on YouTube
added 25.01.22

Hola - call and response chant - score
(PDF 44 KB)

Performance on YouTube
added 01.10.21

El monstruo cocinero - story
(MS PowerPoint 1.25 MB)

added 3.3.21

El monstruo hambriento - story
(MS PowerPoint 2.5 MB)

added 3.3.21

6 vegetables
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 3.3.21

Practising 4 vegetables
(MS PowerPoint 584 KB)

added 3.3.21

Introducing and counting fruits
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

added 26.1.21

Numbers 1-10 más y menos
(MS PowerPoint 451 KB)

added 08.08.23

Diez muñecos de nieve - a counting story
(MS PowerPoint 2.5 MB)

added 26.1.21

Numbers 1-10 car parking
(MS PowerPoint 479 KB)

added 26.1.21

Counting 1-10
(MS PowerPoint 1.3 MB)

added 26.1.21

Counting 1-6
(MS PowerPoint 379 KB)

added 26.1.21

Numbers 1-6
(MS PowerPoint 610 KB)

added 26.1.21

Numbers 1 to 6 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 256 KB)

added 14.12.20

Counting shapes and colours (1 to 6)
(MS PowerPoint 49 KB)

added 14.12.20

Numbers 1 to 6 (Year 1)
(PDF 87 KB)

added 10.12.18

Y1 tall / short / high / low
(MS PowerPoint 6.8 MB)

added 03.06.19

5 senses flashcards
(PDF 1.1 MB)

5 senses display cards
(PDF 1.1 MB)

5 senses overview
(PDF 17 KB)

5 senses cards
(PDF 8.2 MB)

added 03.11.15
5 senses writing for Y1
(PDF 3.3 MB)

added 17.11.15

Animales marinos
(PDF 410 KB)

added 12.5.14

Counting sea creatures
(MS PowerPoint 4.65 MB)

added 08.08.23

Minibeast words
(PDF 14 KB)

added 03.06.19

Minibeasts with words
(MS PowerPoint 196 KB)

added 03.06.19

Minibeast cards
(PDF 171 KB)

Los bichos - monolingual dictionary
(PDF 2.6 MB)

added 2.7.14

Easter eggs
(PDF 48 KB)

Make an Easter chick hat - cut out the pictures & stick them on a band of paper
(PDF 242 KB)

Labelling a plant (Year 1)
(PDF 76 KB)

(Labelling a plant (2)
(PDF 57 KB)

Colours, house and home (Year 1)
(PDF 50 KB)

Colours guide

(MS PowerPoint 184 KB)

Find the right colours of beads and thread them (2 and 3 beads)
(PDF 19 KB)

Find the right colours of beads and thread them (4 beads)
(PDF 17 KB)

added 05.12.14

¡Qué rico! ¡Qué asco! - a simple book about food based on Yummy Yucky by Leslie Petricelli
(MS PowerPoint 530 KB)
¡ñam ñam! ¡puaj! (Yummy Yucky version 2)
(MS PowerPoint 578 KB)
added 3.3.21

¡Qué rico! ¡Qué asco!
(MP3 1.4 MB)

Mi lista de compras (using fruit and veg)
(PDF 208 KB)

Una macedonia
(PDF 21 KB)

(PDF 326 KB)

Year 2 scheme of work
(MS Word 53 KB)

Pencil case items: what's in the backpack?
(MS PowerPoint 793 KB)

added 02.02.23

Practising 11 to 15 with actions
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 02.02.23

Numbers listening
(PDF 124 KB)

added 27.11.22

Describing clothes resources, based on Azul el sombrero, verde el sombrero
Singular clothes sentence builder

(PDF 98 KB)

Singular clothes reading activities
(PDF 32 KB)

Singular clothes listening activities
(PDF 33 KB)

Singular clothes reading activities
(MS PowerPoint 506 KB)

Singular clothes listening activities
(MS PowerPoint 439 KB)

Plural clothes sentence builder
(PDF 153 KB)

added 27.05.22
Activities for practising singular and plural adjectives
(PDF 140 KB)

Paper dolls for writing
(PDF 418 KB)

added 04.07.22
Describing the clothes in photos
(PDF 3 MB)

Paper dolls "how to"
(MS PowerPoint 3 MB)

added 01.09.22

Animales mezclados
(PDF 200 KB)

added 27.05.22

En mi estuche writing
(PDF 618 KB)

added 27.05.22

Numbers 1 to 10 clapping song - score
(PDF 40 KB)

Performance on YouTube
added 01.10.21

Worry dolls colouring
(PDF 675 KB)

added 22.4.21

Noah's Ark 22 animals
(PDF 676 KB)

added 08.08.24

Noah's Ark (2 animals)
(MS PowerPoint 3.4 MB)

added 3.3.21

Noah's Ark (1 animal)
(MS PowerPoint 3.8 MB)

added 3.3.21

10 animals Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 3.3.21

10 animals with words
(MS PowerPoint 4.6 MB)

added 3.3.21

Practising 10 animals
(MS PowerPoint 3.6 MB)

added 3.3.21

Counting pencil case items
(MS PowerPoint 719 KB)

added 26.1.21

Pencil case items grid
(MS PowerPoint452 KB)

added 26.1.21

Things in the pencil case
(MS PowerPoint 1.1 MB)

added 26.1.21

Numbers 1 to 10 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint)

added 14.12.20

South America and flags
(MS PowerPoint 340 KB)

Make a map of Spain
(MS PowerPoint 455 KB)

Labels for the map
(PDF 31 KB)

Blank map
(PDF 12 KB)

Guatemala colouring
(PDF 87 KB)

added 30.4.17

Guatemala worry dolls
(PDF 444 KB)

South America mini-book
(PDF 75 KB)

Peace at Last (Jill Murphy)
Por fin un poco de paz

(MS Word 20 KB)

Por fin un poco de paz
(MS PowerPoint 879 KB)

Mi casa
(PDF 442 KB)

Mi casa
(MS PowerPoint KB)

Mi casa word cards
(PDF 12 KB)

Nouns posters
(PDF 636 KB)

Nouns worksheets
(PDF 315 KB)

Nouns summary
(PDF 24 KB)

Onomatopoeia practice
(MS PowerPoint KB)

Pictures for retelling story
(PDF 544 KB)

added 14.6.15
Cut and Stick
(PDF 1.5 MB)

added 23.8.15

The gingerbread man
(MS PowerPoint 2.7 MB)

El Arca de Noé mini-book
(PDF 84 KB)

El Arca de Noé steps
(PDF 309 KB)

Steps with 2 animals
(PDF 270 KB)



Phonics posters
(PDF 10.1 MB)

added 6.7.20

La pronunciación española - phonics overview sheet
(PDF 22 KB)

added 17.11.17

Vowel listening activity
(PDF 1.2 MB)

added 17.11.17

ñ, ll, silent h and accents practice cards
(PDF 88 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 220 KB)

added 18.9.17

th, b, kw practice cards
(PDF 574 KB)

added 18.9.17

-ei- or -ie- ? Listening activity to aid spelling
(PDF 307 KB)

added 27.11.16

Sounds th/b/kw practice
(PDF 379 KB)

Sounds and images reproduced here with kind permission of Rachel Hawkes
added 03.11.15

Anclas Patanclas
(MS PowerPoint 198 KB)

Sounds (th, b, qu and vowels)
(MS PowerPoint 240 KB)

Sounds (th, b, qu and vowels) II
(MS PowerPoint 272 KB)

(PDF 33 KB)

Burbuja la bruja - a rhyming story
(MS PowerPoint 364 KB)

The ge/gi/j sound
(MS PowerPoint 490 KB)

The ge/gi/j sound posters
(PDF 15 KB)

The ge/gi/j sound (small words)
(PDF 16 KB)

The ge/gi/j sound Venn diagram
(PDF 54 KB)




Huevos de Pascua
(MS PowerPoint 316 KB)

added 25.6.17

Mayan maths
(MS PowerPoint 885 KB)

added 24.03.15

Bate bate chocolate
(MS PowerPoint 88 KB)

South America and flags
(MS PowerPoint 340 KB)

Make a map of Spain
(MS PowerPoint 455 KB)

Labels for the map
(PDF 31 KB)

Blank map
(PDF 12 KB)

La Fiesta Nacional de España
(MS PowerPoint 3.2 MB)


Guatemala colouring
(PDF 87 KB)

added 30.4.17

Huevos de Pascua (Easter egg) poem
(PDF 33 KB)

added 30.4.17

Huevos de Pascua poem - gap fill
(PDF 32 KB)

added 03.06.19

Día de los Muertos - ticklist
(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 27.11.16

Make a Día de los Muertos concertina book
(PDF 389 KB)

added 29.10.16

Design your own skull for Día de los Muertos
(PDF 578 KB)

added 21.10.16

Differences between Día de los Muertos and Halloween - Venn sorting activity
(PDF 579 KB)

added 21.10.16

Día de los Muertos bookmarks
(PDF 257 KB)

added 21.10.16

Make an Aztec Codex
(PDF 2.9 MB)

Make a friendship bracelet for Día de la Amistad
(PDF 926 KB)

Spanish handwriting
(PDF 81 KB)

Guatemala worry dolls
(PDF 444 KB)

Día del Padre - make a card for Spanish Fathers day
(PDF 157 KB)

Count and colour using Easter nouns
(PDF 76 KB)

Plurals using Easter nouns
(PDF 83 KB)

South America mini-book
(PDF 75 KB)

San Valentín / Día de la Amistad
(PDF 222 KB)

Spanish-speaking countries - wordsearch
(PDF 118 KB)




Unit 1 - ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
(PDF 283 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 2 - Vamos a contar
(PDF 320 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 3 - Los colores
(PDF 2.1 MB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 4 - En mi estuche
(PDF 732 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 5 - Mi familia y yo
(PDF 1 MB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 6 - Mi bandera
(PDF 408 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 7 - En el parque de animales
(PDF 1.3 MB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 8 - ¿A qué fecha estamos?
(PDF 666 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 9 - ¿Tienes hambre?
(PDF 800 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 10 - ¿Qué tiempo hace?
(PDF 988 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 11 - Números grandes
(PDF 928 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 12 - Los planetas
(PDF 1 MB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 13A/B - ¡Describimos!
(PDF 1.1 MB)

Unit 13C - ¡Describimos!
(PDF 1.2 MB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 14 - Me encantan los deportes
(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 15 - ¿Qué hora es?
(PDF 656 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 16A/B - En mi pueblo
(PDF 945 KB)

Unit 16C - En mi pueblo
(PDF 682 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 17 - Así soy yo
(PDF 643 KB)

added 12.6.20

Unit 18 - Yo soy músico
(PDF 1.5 MB)

added 12.6.20



Unit 1 - ¡ Hola ! ¿Qué tal?
(PDF 147 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 2 - Vamos a contar
(PDF 140 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 3 - Los colores
(PDF 584 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 4 - En mi estuche
(PDF 289 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 5 - Mi familia y yo (family)
(PDF 89 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 5 - Mi familia y yo (pets)
(PDF 474 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 6 - Mi bandera
(PDF 203 KB)

added 29.05.15

Unit 8 - ¿A qué fecha estamos?
(PDF 83 KB)

added 18.05.15

Unit 9 - Frutas y verduras
(PDF 152 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 10 - ¿Qué tiempo hace?
(PDF 753 KB)

added 29.05.15
¿Qué tiempo hace mat (II)
(PDF 682 KB)

added 10.12.18

Unit 11 - Números grandes
(PDF 161 KB)

added 29.05.15

Unit 12 - Los planetas
(PDF 213 KB)

added 29.05.15

Unit 13 - La cabeza
(PDF 189 KB)

Unit 13 - El cuerpo
(PDF 313 KB)

Unit 13 - Los animales
(PDF 137 KB)

added 10.05.15

Unit 14 - Los deportes
(PDF 125 KB)

added 29.05.15

Me gustan los deportes
(PDF 88 KB)

added 25.6.17

Unit 15 - ¿Qué hora es?
(PDF 192 KB)

added 29.05.15

Unit 16 - En mi pueblo
(PDF 64 KB)

Unit 16 - Los transportes
(PDF 238 KB)

added 29.05.15
Then and Now
(PDF 124 KB)

added 29.05.15

Unit 18 - Yo soy músico
(PDF 130 KB)

added 29.05.15



Spicy starters:
(MS PowerPoint 223 KB)

Greetings 2
(MS PowerPoint 223 KB)

Greetings 3
(MS PowerPoint 223 KB)

Saying how you feel
(MS PowerPoint 223 KB)

Saying your age
(MS PowerPoint 121 KB)

Saying your age (2)
(MS PowerPoint 123 KB)

Numbers to 39
(MS PowerPoint 215 KB)

Numbers to 39 and plurals
(MS PowerPoint 224 KB)

Singular and plural
(MS PowerPoint 221 KB)

Indefinite articles / unit 7
(MS PowerPoint 224 KB)

Animal Park
(MS PowerPoint 223 KB)

Numbers and months
(MS PowerPoint 224 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 222 KB)

Birthdays 2
(MS PowerPoint 223 KB)

Numbers to 100
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)
Numbers to 100 (2)
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)

Numbers to 100 (3)
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)

Numbers to 1000
(MS PowerPoint 338 KB)
Numbers to 1000 (2)
(MS PowerPoint 338 KB)

Unit 16 beginning
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)

Unit 16A
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)

Unit 16A (2)
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)

Description of town
(MS PowerPoint 342 KB)

Description of town (2)
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)

Description of town (3)
(MS PowerPoint 428 KB)

Description of town (4)
(MS PowerPoint 339 KB)
(MS PowerPoint 340 KB)

Infinitives (2)
(MS PowerPoint 439 KB)

added 02.02.23

Using WordReference
(PDF 103 KB)

added 08.08.23

Question or not a question?
(MS PowerPoint 309 KB)

added 14.06.21

En mi mochila - adjectival agreement activity
(PDF 267 KB)

added 27.1.18
En mi mochila - sentence builder
(PDF 121 KB)

added 18.6.20

Plural adjectival agreement phrase building cards (based on Los limones no son rojos)
(PDF 361 KB)

added 27.1.18
Plural adjectival agreement sentence builder
(PDF 107 KB)

added 18.6.20

Spanish artists - research and writing activity
(PDF 31 KB)
added 10.1.17
Spanish artists - research and writing activity - with English
(PDF 37 KB)

added 22.5.20
Spanish artists
(MS PowerPoint 6.6 MB)

added 30.4.17

Word class colouring activity
(PDF 1 MB)

added 13.4.18

Gender and number Trash or Treasure cards
(PDF 50 KB)

added 20.3.18

Gender and number Trash or Treasure categories
(MS PowerPoint 404 KB)

added 20.3.18

Finger-trace letters for Spanish accents and punctuation
(PDF 424 KB)

added 20.3.18

Ser (present tense)
(PDF 936 KB)

added 30.4.17

Estar (present tense)
(PDF 968 KB)

added 30.4.17

Ir (present tense)
(PDF 931 KB)

added 30.4.17

Tener (present tense)
(PDF 968 KB)

added 30.4.17

Cut out letters for spelling words
(PDF 17 KB)

added 02.08.16

Reward bracelets
(PDF 160 KB)

added 02.08.16

Shopping dialogues
(PDF 44 KB)

added 03.11.15

Sí / No cards
(PDF 29 KB)

added 23.8.15

Alphabet cards
(PDF 37 KB)

added 23.8.15

Personal description dominoes
(PDF 1 MB)

added 23.8.15

Year 6 revision carousel
(PDF 26 KB)

added 23.8.15

Holiday suitcase activity
(PDF 368 KB)

added 14.6.15

Tener puzzle
(PDF 258 KB)

added 28.4.15

Blank spinner, 6-sided
(PDF 18 KB)

added 23.02.15

Blank spinner, 8-sided
(PDF 24 KB)

added 23.02.15

Door handle hanger blank
(PDF 28 KB)

added 23.02.15

¿Dónde vives?
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

added 6.2.15

Writing Spanish letters and characters
(PDF 30 KB)

added 20.1.15
Writing Spanish letters and characters in a handwriting font
(PDF 45 KB)

added 08.11.19

Forming simple plurals
(PDF 55 KB)

Simple plurals glossary
(PDF 47 KB)

added 11.11.14

Using the dictionary multiple choice
(MS PowerPoint 783 KB)

added 1.9.14

Place your bets - a revision activity
(MS PowerPoint 596 KB)

added 23.6.14

Ideas for using dice
(MS PowerPoint 467 KB)

added 15.4.14

KS2 Scheme of Work
(MS Word 574 KB)

Kindly shared by Jessica Norrie
added 9.4.14

Rabia Rabiña - songs and rhymes in Primary Spanish
(PDF 902 KB)

Kindly shared by the Consejería
added 9.4.14

(MS PowerPoint 285 KB

Anthology of songs and poems
(PDF 2.7 MB)

Pencil pot to make
(PDF 64 KB)

Pencil pot blank
(PDF 18 KB)

Fortune teller
(PDF 916 KB)

Fortune teller (black and white)
(PDF 351 KB)

Year 4 vocabulary list
(PDF 37 KB)

added 01.10.21

Year 3 vocabulary list
(PDF 36 KB)

added 01.10.21

1st year of Spanish vocabulary list (legacy sheme)
(PDF 230 KB)

2nd year of Spanish vocabulary list (legacy scheme)
(PDF 33 KB)

Wordsearch using 1st year and 2nd year vocabulary
(PDF 170 KB)

3rd year of Spanish vocabulary list (legacy scheme)
(PDF 32 KB)

Match-up of first year vocabulary
(PDF 74 KB)

Lots of ice-creams - for counting and role play
(PDF 615 KB)

Spanish alphabet display
(PDF 4.1 MB)

Spanish bookmarks
(PDF 262 KB)

Sí / No cards
(PDF 58 KB)

First year of Spanish triangle puzzle
(PDF 113 KB)

(PDF 41 KB)

Second year of Spanish revision carousel
(MS Word 59 KB)

Spanish dice
(PDF 50 KB)

Happy families
(PDF 863 KB)

Mi familia
(MS PowerPoint 365 KB)

Sample Lesson Plan 1
(MS Word 38 KB)

Sample Lesson Plan 2
(MS Word 34 KB)

Sample Lesson Plan 3
(MS Word 35 KB)

Sample Lesson Plan 4
(MS Word 29 KB)



Somos músicos parallel text
(MS PowerPoint 453 KB)

added 03.06.19

Somos músicos vocab search
(MS PowerPoint 258 KB)

added 03.06.19

Tocar conjugation
(MS PowerPoint 282 KB)

added 03.06.19

La orquesta
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

Yo soy músico song
(MS PowerPoint 1.6 MB)

Musical genres
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

Musical genres and opinions
(MS PowerPoint 333 KB)


Somos músicos parallel text
(PDF 74 KB)

added 03.06.19

List of musical instruments
(PDF 19 KB)

added 03.06.19

-AR verb conjugation with musical instruments
(PDF 36 KB)

added 02.08.16

Instruments and -AR verbs cards
(PDF 16 KB)

added 02.08.16

Music genres sheet
(PDF 976 KB)

Music genres opinions writing frame
(PDF 46 KB)

La orquesta
(PDF 3.4 MB)

La orquesta answers (1)
(PDF 197 KB)

La orquesta answers (2)
(PDF 700 KB)