LatinYouTubePremium resources


GCSE Revision Starters

Personal identification
Alphabet / Sound-spelling
Numbers / Time
Daily routine
Places in town / countries
Free-time / Hobbies / Sports
Days and Months
House and Home


Greetings Triangles
(PDF 176 KB)

Greetings - fill in the vowels
(MS Word 20 KB)

Basic conversation - fill in the vowels. Give it to them cut up and they can put it in the right order!
(MS Word 20 KB)



Colours puzzle
(PDF 58 KB)

Colours dominoes
(PDF 54 KB)

Colours "follow me"
(PDF 49 KB)

Colours Stroop activity
(MS PowerPoint 2007 75 KB)


Personal Identification

Nationalities Quiz Quiz Trade
(PDF 44 KB)

added 15.4.14

Personal description cheat game
(MS PowerPoint 151 KB)

Gap fill
(MS PowerPoint 65 KB)



Opinion + infinitive Quiz Quiz Trade
(PDF 989 KB)

added 14.7.14

Personal opinions and reasons
(MS Word 23 KB)


Alphabet / Sound-spelling

Find the rhymes - Pupils use their knowledge of sound-spelling to find as many rhymes as possible
(MS Word 27 KB)

Alphabet/false friends - pupils fill in the correct letters according to the sound, then work out the words, which are all false friends
(MS Word 33 KB)

Alphabet PowerPoints


Numbers / Time

Time dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 575 KB)

Numbers Triangles
(PDF 275 KB)

Un peu de maths - sums using words
(MS Word 20 KB)

(MS Word 38 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 54 KB)
Give pupils a mixed-up list of the times in French and they have to write in the correct English while watching the slide show

Time - Vrai ou faux
(MS PowerPoint 158 KB)

A looped, timed PowerPoint. Pupils watch for 5 or 10 minutes and write down Vrai or Faux.
Time - Vrai ou faux - answers
(MS PowerPoint 175 KB)

24 hour clock speaking dominoes
(MS Word 52 KB)

When pupils hear the time on the left-hand side of their domino, they say the time on the right-hand side of their domino. It works like a chain. You can race against the clock and then give everyone a different domino to make it more difficult again.

Numbers worksheets



Au collège - cheat game
(MS PowerPoint 150 KB)

School subject dominoes
(PDF 279 KB)

School opinions
(MS Word 61 KB)

All about school multiple choice
(MS Word 41 KB)

School odd-one-out
(MS Word 32 KB)

(MS Word 44 KB)

School dominoes
(MS Word 472 KB)

School worksheets

School PowerPoints



Les Vêtements dice-throw
(MS PowerPoint 193 KB)

Les Vêtements Multiple Choice
(MS PowerPoint 243 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 248 KB)

Clothes dominoes
(MS Word 2.4 MB)

Opinions and descriptions (clothes)
(MS Word 60 KB)

Clothes worksheets


Daily routine

Daily routine diamond puzzle
(PDF 17 KB)

(PDF 17 KB)

added 28.4.14

Daily routine starter
(MS Word 24 KB)
(MS Word 24 KB)

Daily routine worksheets

Daily routine PowerPoints



Common verbs triangle puzzle
(PDF 33 KB)

Passé Composé negatives and questions
(MS Word 47 KB)

Future tense gapfill
(MS Word 22 KB)

Passé composé - work out the verb forms
(MS PowerPoint 26 KB)

Past Tense holidays fill in the vowels
(MS Word 20 KB)

Passé Composé
(MS Word 39 KB)

Passé Composé gap-fill
(MS Word 32 KB)


Places in town / countries

En ville on peut... triangle puzzle
(PDF 13 KB)

Vocabulary to support the puzzle
(MS Word 17 KB)

added 15.4.14

En ville - find 12 "in town" words in the crossword in a limited time
(MS Word 21 KB)

La France multiple choice
(MS PowerPoint 506 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 501 KB)

Points of the compass
(MS PowerPoint 139 KB)

(MS Word 75 KB)

(MS Word 22 KB)

Places in town worksheets

Places in town PowerPoints


Free-time / Hobbies / Sports

TV programmes triangle puzzle
(PDF 34 KB)

(PDF 33 KB)

added 28.4.14

TV programmes likes and dislikes
(PDF 20 KB)

added 28.4.14

Tour de France triangle puzzle
(PDF 12 KB)

(PDF 11 KB)

Film opinions triangle puzzle
(PDF 18 KB)

Film opinions triangle puzzle (solution)
(PDF 16 KB)

Types of film diamond puzzle
(PDF 20 KB)

Types of film diamond puzzle (solution)
(PDF 18 KB)

Hobbies dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 817 KB)

Gap fill
(MS PowerPoint 266 KB)

Sport sentences
(MS Word 22 KB)

Free-time / Hobbies / Sports worksheets

Trouvez quelqu'un qui aime....
(MS Word 128 KB)

Trouvez quelqu'un qui fait....
(MS Word 152 KB)

Trouvez quelqu'un qui....
(MS Word 479 KB)



Body parts square puzzle
(PDF 8 KB)

Body parts square puzzle (solution)
(PDF 8 KB)

Illness "Follow me" cards
(PDF 8 KB)

Illness "Follow me" cards (solution)
(PDF 8 KB)

Illness dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 483 KB)

How much can you say about...?
(MS PowerPoint 64 KB)

L’alcool, le tabac et les drogues gapfill
(MS Word 24 KB)
(MS Word 22 KB)
Good for making pupils think about facts and figures. A fair amount of guessing will be involved too!



Hotel dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 520 KB)

Problems in the hotel triangle puzzle
(PDF 31 KB)

(PDF 30 KB)

Holidays abroad
(MS Word 23 KB)


Days and months

Days and months - unmix the anagrams
(MS Word 20 KB)



Environment dominoes
(PDF 108 KB)

Environment dominoes (2)
(PDF 163 KB)

Environment - Tarsia puzzle
(PDF 18 KB)


House and Home

Dans ma chambre Quiz Quiz Trade
(PDF 23 KB)

added 15.4.14

Rooms in the house dominoes
(PDF 138 KB)

Rooms in the house shape puzzle
(PDF 21 KB)



Things you buy in shops triangle puzzle
(PDF 15 KB)

(PDF 17 KB)

(PDF 14 KB)

added 28.4.14

Pets triangle puzzle
(PDF 27 KB)

(PDF 27 KB)

added 28.4.14

Opinions of pets triangle puzzle
(PDF 25 KB)

(PDF 24 KB)

added 28.4.14

Animals triangle puzzle
(PDF 8 KB)
(PDF 7 KB)

added 28.4.14

TV programmes Quiz Quiz Trade
(PDF 23 KB)

added 15.4.14

Work experience dominoes
(MS Word 19 KB)

added 15.4.14

"On peut" triangle puzzle
(PDF 12 KB)

"On peut" triangle puzzle solution
(PDF 11 KB)

Fruit and veg hexagon puzzle
(PDF 22 KB)

Fruit and veg hexagon puzzle (solution)
(PDF 20 KB)

Department store - Tarsia puzzle
(PDF 18 KB)

Food dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 565 KB)

Family and animals dominoes
(MS PowerPoint 404 KB)

Regular verb logic
(MS PowerPoint 64 KB)

Gap fill
(MS PowerPoint 65 KB)

(MS Word 26 KB)

Trouvez quelqu'un qui a ...
(MS Word 64 KB)

Trouvez quelqu'un qui est...
(MS Word 61 KB)

Draw the heads - pupils draw the correct features on the blank heads. Try getting your pupils to work on them in pairs and them compare the results !
(PDF 97 KB)

Venn diagram - pupils sort words according to whether they are numbers, colours, feminine or things in the pencil case. Words can go in the intersections or outside the diagram if they are irrelevant.
(MS Publisher 32 KB)

Multiple Choice answer sheet
(MS Word 71 KB)

Adjectives dominoes
(MS Word 42 KB)

Comparative and Superlative
(MS Word 49 KB)

Superlatives - pupils can have a guess at the answers by themselves first and then you show them the answers
(MS PowerPoint 363 KB)


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