LatinYouTubePremium resources





Rugby World Cup 2015 display title
(PDF 403 KB)

added 08.09.15

Calculate the points
(PDF 67 KB)

added 08.09.15

Countries vocabulary matrix
(PDF 34 KB)

added 08.09.15

Find the teams in the spiral
(PDF 170 KB)

added 08.09.15

The languages of the Rugby World Cup 2015
(PDF 69 KB)

added 05.09.15

Team emblems reading activity
(PDF 78 KB)

added 05.09.15

Teams wordsearch
(PDF 109 KB)

added 05.09.15



Le Japon crée la sensation
(PDF 70 KB)

added 03.11.15

Rugby World Cup 2015 display title
(PDF 402 KB)

added 08.09.15

Calculate the points
(PDF 69 KB)

added 08.09.15

Countries vocabulary matrix
(PDF 35 KB)

added 08.09.15

Find the teams in the spiral
(PDF 183 KB)

added 08.09.15

Team emblems reading activity
(PDF 83 KB)

added 05.09.15

Outline flags
(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 05.09.15

Greetings from the players
(PDF 380 KB)

added 05.09.15

Teams wordsearch
(PDF 109 KB)

added 05.09.15



Amor a la camiseta: la selección uruguaya - reading activity
(PDF 71 KB)

added 03.11.15

Japón hace historia - reading activity
(PDF 69 KB)

added 03.11.15

Rugby World Cup 2015 display title
(PDF 403 KB)

added 08.09.15

Calculate the points
(PDF 69 KB)

added 08.09.15

Teams' arrival - reading activity
(PDF 67 KB)

added 08.09.15

Countries vocabulary matrix
(PDF 42 KB)

added 08.09.15

Find the teams in the spiral
(PDF 160 KB)

added 08.09.15

Team emblems reading activity
(PDF 81 KB)

added 05.09.15

Outline flags
(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 05.09.15

Greetings from the players
(PDF 380 KB)

added 05.09.15

Teams wordsearch
(PDF 109 KB)

added 05.09.15