LatinYouTubePremium resources



nos presentamos

Animals, their names and continents
(MS PowerPoint 6.7 MB)

added 08.08.24

Greetings and saying name with soy - sentence builder
(PDF 362 KB)

added 08.08.24

vamos a contar


Numbers 1 to 6 (YouTube)

Numbers 1 to 10 (YouTube)

Saying numbers up to 15 (YouTube)

Saying your age (YouTube)

Saying your age


0-12 - A4 size - numbers and words
(PDF 45 KB)

0-12 - A4 size - just numbers
(PDF 46 KB)

0-12 - A5 size - just numbers
(PDF 36 KB)

0-12 - A5 size - numbers and words
(PDF 36 KB)

0-12 - mini cards
(PDF 27 KB)

13-20 - A4 size - numbers and words
(PDF 42 KB)

13-20 - A4 size - just numbers
(PDF 36 KB)

13-20 - A5 size - numbers and words
(PDF 31 KB)

13-20 - A5 size - just numbers
(PDF 31 KB)

1-10 - tiny cards
(PDF 23 KB)

11-15 - tiny cards
(PDF 17 KB)

1-6 as pictures - mini cards
(PDF 3.2 MB)

Games & Puzzles

Un perro, dos perros, tres perros game
(PDF 62 KB)

added 23.8.15

1 to 20 maths sort
(PDF 18 KB)
added 28.4.15

Numbers to 15 Quiz Quiz Trade cards
(MS PowerPoint 45 KB)

added 21.9.14

Quiz Quiz Trade cards
(MS Word 18 KB)

added 23.6.14

Quiz Quiz Trade cards - doubles
(MS Word 17 KB)

added 23.6.14

1 to 15 cards
(PDF 14 KB)

Numbers 1-15 crossword
(PDF 30 KB)

Number bingo cards x12
(PDF 114 KB)

Numbers triangles
(PDF 65 KB)


1-15 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 166 KB)

added 14.12.20

Number splats 1-15
(MS PowerPoint 1.8 MB)

added 03.06.19

Football numbers 10-15
(MS PowerPoint 303 KB)

added 03.06.19

Numbers 1 to 10 with ClassPOPs
(MS PowerPoint 200 KB)

Find out about ClassPOPs here
added 03.11.15

Roman numerals
(MS PowerPoint 418 KB)

Number survey
(MS PowerPoint 172 KB)

Kim's game numbers 1-6
(MS PowerPoint 251 KB)

Fly-past, numbers 1-6
(MS PowerPoint 274 KB)

¿Cuántos hay?
(MS PowerPoint 237 KB)

Song "uno, dos, tres"
(MS PowerPoint 232 KB)

Song "Diez gatitos"
(MS PowerPoint 260 KB)

Numbers 1-10, más o menos
(MS PowerPoint 228 KB)

Numbers 1-15 Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 401 KB)


1-15 list for Piranha game
(PDF 185 KB)

added 08.08.24

Numbers 1 to 10 repetition activities
(PDF 505 KB)

added 02.02.23

Greetings and age: Listen, Read, Write
(PDF 128 KB)

added 27.11.22

Number survey using Spanish names
(PDF 145 KB)

added 14.12.20

Calculations using numbers 0-10
(PDF 24 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 260 KB)

added 13.12.19

Numbers 0-15 practice activities
(PDF 190 KB)
added 17.11.17

Los números - monolingual dictionary
(PDF 4.2 KB)

added 23.6.14

5 in a row - numbers to 15
(PDF 40 KB)

added 23.8.15

Numbers spinner, 8-sided
(PDF 22 KB)

added 23.02.15

Car park numbers 1-10
(PDF 538 KB)

How to use it
added 5.1.15

Car park numbers 11-20
(PDF 538 KB)

How to use it
added 5.1.15

Decorative number frame
(PDF 60 KB)

added 7.

Numbers 1-15 repetition
(PDF 791 KB)

Numbers 1-15 survey
(PDF 21 KB)

Numbers 1-15
(PDF 54 KB)

Numbers 0-10 - introducing the written word
(PDF 116 KB)

Aztec numbers
(PDF 452 KB)

1 to 6
(PDF 60 KB)

(PDF 59 KB)

Counting 1 to 10
(PDF 39 KB)

Numbers 1 to 20 - spiral
(PDF 33 KB)


Saying your age
(MS PowerPoint 125 KB)

added 26.1.21

Saying your age minibook
(PDF 518 KB)

added 3.7.20

Saying your age - sentence builder
(PDF 16 KB)

added 22.5.20

Correct the writing
(PDF 256 KB)

added 13.12.19

Saying your age (for older learners)
(PDF 557 KB)

added 17.11.17

Sample dialogue for saying age
(PDF 38 KB)

added 17.11.17

¿Cuántos años tienes?
(MS PowerPoint 460 KB)

¿Cuántos años tienes?
(PDF 134 KB)

¿Cuántos años tienes? (lower ability)
(PDF 1.2 MB)

added 28.4.15

Sample dialogue for age and birthday
(PDF 40 KB)

added 01.09.15

Sample dialogue for age and birthday
(MS PowerPoint 243 KB)

added 05.01.16

los colores


Saying 6 colours (YouTube)

Saying 5 more colours (YouTube)

Describing with colours and the verb ser (YouTube)


Display cards
(PDF 2.2 MB)

A4 size - with words
(PDF 432 KB)

A4 size
(PDF 508 KB)

A5 size - with words
(PDF 349 KB)

A5 size
(PDF 369 KB)

(PDF 213 KB)


Es de color...
(MS PowerPoint 646 KB)

added 3.3.21

Soy de color... writing
(MS PowerPoint646 KB)

added 26.1.21

Practising 6 more colours
(MS PowerPoint 361 KB)

added 26.1.21

Practising the first 6 colours
(MS PowerPoint 376 KB)

added 26.1.21

Colours with words Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 186 KB)

added 26.1.21

Second set of 6 colours with words
(MS PowerPoint 49 KB)

added 26.1.21

First set of 6 colours with words
(MS PowerPoint 118 KB)

added 26.1.21

Practise colours using numbers
(MS PowerPoint 203 KB)

added 26.3.20

Colours and ser (to be)
(MS PowerPoint 2.6 KB)

added 26.3.20

Colours retrieval listening
(MS PowerPoint 417 KB)

(PDF 153 KB)

added 13.12.19

Colours in masculine and feminine form
(MS PowerPoint 163 KB)

added 20.03.18

(MS PowerPoint 173 KB)

added 26.01.16

Colours word shapes (1)
(MS PowerPoint 447 KB)

added 26.01.16

Colours word shapes (2)
(MS PowerPoint 131 KB)

added 26.01.16

Colours missing letters
(MS PowerPoint 189 KB)

added 26.01.16

Which colour?
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

use with ClassPOPs
added 26.01.16

Colour spellings
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

use with ClassPOPs
added 26.01.16

Colours - which flag ?
(MS PowerPoint 254 KB)

Colours flash past
(MS PowerPoint 243 KB)

Colours - Kim's game and flashpast (2)
(MS PowerPoint 87 KB)

¿Qué apuestas? - colores
(MS PowerPoint 212 KB)

Games and Puzzles

Colours squares puzzle (with pictures)
(PDF 787 KB)

(PDF 1.8 MB)

(PDF 735 KB)

added 29.10.16

Colours squares puzzle (words only)
(PDF 14 KB)

(PDF 13 KB)

(PDF 13 KB)

added 29.10.16

5-in-a-row colours
(PDF 36 KB)

added 02.08.16

¡Zas! Colours - pair work, slap the right colour
(PDF 258 KB)

Colours wordsearch
(PDF 5 MB)


Complete the colours sequences
(PDF 44 KB)

added 08.08.23

Colours tangled translation
(PDF 77 KB)

added 01.09.22

Colours and ser - battleships
(PDF 174 KB)

added 27.05.22

Colours and ser poem
(PNG 209 KB)

Colours and ser poem
(PDF 624 KB)

added 26.1.21

Colours and soy - sentence builder
(PDF 13 KB)

added 26.1.21

Colours and ser minibook
(PDF 1.3 MB)

added 3.7.20

Colours and ser - sentence builder
(PDF 14 KB)

added 12.5.20

Colours and ser - writing
(PDF 245 KB)

added 26.3.20

¿De qué color? colouring and writing activity
(PDF 239 KB)

added 17.11.17

Colour detective activity, for older learners
(PDF 478 KB)

added 17.11.17

Prehistoric colours
(PDF 66 KB)

added 23.8.15

Colours minimal pairs listening activity
(PDF 134 KB)

added 24.03.15

Colours spinner, 8-sided
(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 23.02.15

Los colores - monolingual dictionary
(PDF 5.4 MB)

added 23.6.14

(PDF 51 KB)

Colours wordsearch
(PDF 428 KB)

¿Qué apuestas? - colores
(MS Publisher 81 KB)

Practising colours
(PDF 401 KB)

Colours and names for creating characters
(PDF 23 KB)

added 9.4.14
Sheet for writing and drawing the characters
(PDF 33 KB)

added 21.1.18

Car park colours
(PDF 912 KB)

How to use it
added 5.1.15


tienes mascotas


Pets text example
(MS PowerPoint 299 KB)

added 14.06.21

Answers for pets vocabulary builder
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 14.06.21

Write the pet sentence when it fades
(MS PowerPoint 217 KB)

added 14.06.21

Pets' names and ages true or false
(MS PowerPoint 167 KB)

added 26.1.21

Tengo + pets sentence builder practice (English > Spanish)
(MS PowerPoint 353 KB)

added 26.1.21

Tengo + pets sentence builder practice (Spanish > English)
(Ms PowerPoint 305 KB)

added 26.1.21

Plurals of new pet words
(MS PowerPoint 550 KB)

added 14.12.20

Pets' names and ages - fade and write
(MS PowerPoint 485 KB)

added 14.12.20

Plurals of pet words
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 22.5.20

Practise the pet words
(MS PowerPoint 474 KB)

added 26.3.20

Work out the pet words / plural forms
(MS PowerPoint 274 KB)

added 26.3.20

Plurals - What's in the box?
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

added 10.12.18

(MS PowerPoint 1.8 MB)

Plurals of pets
(MS PowerPoint 1.8 MB)

Pets (2)
(MS PowerPoint 1.7 MB)

Games and Puzzles

Mis mascotas puzzles
(PDF 1 MB)

added 23.8.15

Blue Numbers - family and pets
(MS Word 48 KB)

How to play Blue Numbers
(PDF 36 KB)

Family and pets crossword
(PDF 382 KB)

Pets Battleships
(PDF 199 KB)

Big copy of battleships for the board
(PDF 95 KB)

added 26.3.20


Pets list for Piranha game
(PDF 600 KB)

added 08.08.24

Plural pets bingo checkgrid
(PDF 33 KB)

added 30.10.23

Pets (singular) busy bee writing activity
(PDF 217 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets reading texts and questions
(PDF 125 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets - brick wall writing activity
(PDF 295 KB)

added 29.08.21

Numbers of pets dartboard writing activity
(PDF 219 KB)

added 07.07.21

Pets writing sheet
(PDF 61 KB
added 14.06.21

Pets' names and ages - vocabulary builder
(PDF 70 KB)

Vocabulary builder (lower ability)
(PDF 53 KB)

added 10.05.21

Pets minimal pairs listening
(PDF 60 KB)

added 22.4.21

Tengo / no tengo plus pets sentence builder
(PDF 15 KB)

added 19.10.20

Pets odd one out
(PDF 171 KB)

added 18.6.20

Pets minibook
(PDF 1 MB)

added 22.5.20

Pets plurals - counting
(PDF 642 KB)

added 22.5.20

Talking about pets - sentence builder
(PDF 119 KB)

added 12.5.20
Simplified version
(PDF 163 KB)

added 10.05.21

Writing plurals of pets
(PDF 46 KB)

added 23.5.16

Sample dialogues for pets
(PDF 42 KB)

added 01.09.15

Pets list
(PDF 220 KB)

Pets and plurals Trapdoor
(PDF 17 KB)

added 1.9.14


a que fecha estamos


Saying the months (YouTube)

Saying the days of the week (YouTube)

Saying the date (YouTube)




The origins of the months
(MS PowerPoint 1.3 KB)

added 3.3.21

Saints Days
(MS PowerPoint 201 KB)

added 14.12.20

Saints Days true or false
(MS PowerPoint 206 KB)

added 14.12.20

Giving your opinions of months
(MS PowerPoint 310 KB)

added 2.7.14

Practising days and months
(MS PowerPoint 723 KB)


Months cards (see final page for explanation of images)
(PDF 1.4 MB)

Games and Puzzles

Months and fiestas dominoes with dates
(PDF 1.75 MB)

added 18.6.20

Months of the year dominoes
(PDF 1.5 MB)

Days and months rhombus puzzle
(PDF 11 KB)

Days and months rhombus puzzle solution
(PDF 9 KB)


Saints Days with no days
(PDF 245 KB)

added 14.12.20

Months repetition activities
(PDF 274 KB)

added 03.11.15

El rap de los meses
(MP3 1.3 MB)

El rap de los meses (words)
(PDF 1.4 KB)

Months of the year - spiral
(PDF 18 KB)


Birthday sentences
(MS PowerPoint 241 KB)

added 3.3.21

Months and birthdays listening
(MS PowerPoint 641 KB)

added 3.3.21

Correct the birthday sentences
(MS PowerPoint 378 KB)

added 14.12.20

Saying the birthday of a 3rd person
(PDF 709 KB)

added 01.09.22

Birthdays tangled translation
(PDF 142 KB)

added 01.09.22

Saying your birthday minibook
(PDF 499 KB)

added 3.7.20

Saying your birthday - sentence builder
(PDF 142 KB)

added 22.5.20

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Writing sheets, 3 ability levels
(PDF 3.4 MB)

added 5.7.17

Saints Days Showdown
(PDF 25 KB)

added 9.4.14
Saints Days sentence builder
(PDF 19 KB)

added 08.08.23



Days of the week
(PDF 19 KB)


Hoy es lunes - words
(PDF 785 KB)

added 18.6.20
Hoy es lunes (Today is Monday)
(MS PowerPoint 396 KB)

Accompanying song
(MP3 1.6 MB)

El monstruo hambriento (adapting the Hungry Caterpillar)
(MS PowerPoint 265 KB)


Dates - Flippity randomiser
(added 01.02.22)

Opinions of the days writing strip
(PDF 29 KB)

added 20.09.19

Monstruo hambriento writing frame
(PDF 248 KB)

added 10.12.18

Days repetition
(PDF 278 KB)

Opinions of days
(PDF 25 KB)

Days of the week - roots and cognates
(PDF 523 KB)

Days of the week - spiral
(PDF 18 KB)


Dates Trapdoor
(PDF 20 KB)

added 25.01.22

Dates sentence builder
(PDF 79 KB)

added 22.4.21

Dates - odd one out
(PDF 144 KB)

added 3.7.20

Days and months retrieval
(MS PowerPoint 235 KB)

Days and months retrieval transcript
(PDF 70 KB)

added 31.1.20

Dates colouring
(PDF 20 KB)

added 13.12.19

Calendar for practising dates
(PDF 55 KB)

added 23.8.15

Dates jigsaw
(PDF 76 KB)

Writing dates
(PDF 413 KB)

Writing dates
(MS PowerPoint 418 KB)

¿Tesoro o Basura?
(PDF 92 KB)

Date words to sort
(MS Word 46 KB

Days and months crossword
(PDF 25 KB)


que tiempo hace


Saying what the weather is like (YouTube)

Using points of the compass and weather phrases (YouTube)


Weather flashcards A5
(PDF 2.3 MB)

Compass points A4
(PDF 96 KB)


Weather and compass points Trapdoor
(MS PowerPoint 105 KB)

added 27.05.22

Weather and compass points sentence repetition
(MS PowerPoint 574 KB)

added 07.07.21

Opinions of weather nouns sentences
(MS PowerPoint 374 KB)

added 07.07.21

Weather nouns by gender
(MS PowerPoint 569 KB)

added 07.07.21

Tengo calor/frío + weather nouns
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 14.06.21

Random tengo calor/frío selector (press S to stop and start)
(MS PowerPoint 5.8 MB)

added 14.06.21

Describing weather photos
(MS PowerPoint 1.8 MB)

added 3.3.21

Weather grid with words
(MS PowerPoint 668 KB)

added 3.3.21

Retrieval activity (description/numbers/weather)
(MS PowerPoint 267 KB)

added 23.6.20

Weather song
(MS PowerPoint 452 KB)

added 12.5.20

Weather phrases retrieval
(MS PowerPoint 1.2MB)

Weather phrases retrieval transcript
(PDF 247 KB)

added 31.1.20

Weather and time sentences
(MS PowerPoint 831 KB)

added 03.06.19

Random weather selector
(MS PowerPoint 2.2 MB)

added 10.12.18

Weather veo veo
(MS PowerPoint 192 KB)

added 25.6.17

Weather phrases
(MS PowerPoints 2.6 MB)

Points of the compass with weather
(MS PowerPoint 2.7 MB)

Latin weather words
(MS PowerPoint 291 KB)

added 1.9.14


Weather phrases and points of the compass - vocabulary builder
(PDF 137 KB)

added 17.02.24

Weather translation
(PDF 44 KB)

added 19.08.23

Put the weather sentences in the right order
(PDF 36 KB)

added 19.08.23

Weather reading - true or false
(PDF 102 KB)

added 19.08.23

They all look the same! sorting out similar weather words
(PDF 21 KB)

added 01.09.22

Weather phrases and opinions of food - cross the Ts
(PDF 21 KB)

added 27.05.22

Weather and points of the compass battleships
(PDF 207 KB)

added 01.02.22

Make the weather sentences from the grid
(PDF 37 KB)

added 29.08.21

Opinions of weather nouns - dartboard activity
(PDF 218 KB)

added 14.06.21

Weather nouns battleships
(PDF 324 KB)

adedd 14.06.21

Opinions of weather sentence builder
(PDF 105 KB)

added 14.06.21

Weather crowd-sourced texts
(PDF 20 KB)

added 21.3.21

¿Qué tiempo hace? poem
(PNG 358 KB)

¿Qué tiempo hace? poem
(PDF 636 KB)

added 26.1.21

Weather odd one out
(PDF 144 KB)

added 3.7.20

Weather minibook
(PDF 565 KB)

added 3.7.20

Weather nouns - gender sort
(PDF 86 KB)

added 23.6.20

Weather and points of the compass - sentence builder
(PDF 289 KB)

added 18.6.20

Weather in Spain - sentence builder
(PDF 78 KB)

added 18.6.20

Weather in Mexico - sentence builder
(PDF 99 KB)

added 18.6.20

Weather in Argentina - sentence builder
(PDF 75 KB)

added 18.6.20

Weather and compass puzzles
(PDF 992 KB)

added 21.1.18

5-in-a-row weather
(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 02.08.16

Weather phrases grid
(PDF 2.8 MB)

Weather in Spain and points of the compass
(PDF 1.8 MB)

Spanish regions weather table
(MS Word 64 KB)
Updated version
(PDF 42 KB)

added 25.01.22

Spanish regions - prediction
(PDF 447 KB)

Spanish regions - data handling using table
(PDF 190 KB)

2022 update
(PDF 26 KB)

added 27.05.22

Weather post-it grid
(PDF 3.1 MB)

Weather post-it grid 2
(PDF 3.1 MB)

Weather post-it grid 3
(PDF 3 MB)

How to use post-it grids